Expert prompts to get the most out of AI writing

Ananya Mittal
5 min readMay 23, 2023


With the bloom of AI in writing, people are eager to use it and learn more about its uses. But have you ever wondered how to unleash the full potential of AI writing tools? If so, you are not alone.

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Many people are using AI writing tools to enhance their writing skills and productivity, but most of them don’t know the method to access their full potential. Well, the answer is simple: prompts.

Prompts are short sentences or phrases that guide the AI writing tool to generate the content you want. They help the AI to set the tone, style, knowledge level, format, and purpose of your writing.

So, here I will share some prompts and ways to create prompts, that will help you to provide accurate details to AI and get the desired result in return.

Buckle up and try these prompts to enhance your AI writing experience.

  1. Understand your writing purpose
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Without understanding the purpose behind your topic, it is nearly impossible to draft an article. Try to think about the result that you want for your readers and draft your prompt around it.

Example: Write an article on ‘role of AI in writing’ to provide an in-depth knowledge to the reader.

2. Define AI’s role

AI works better and gives more precise results if it knows what or how you want it to perform. Even if it is a type of intelligence, it needs human assistance and works on commands that you give.

Try to think about the person or expert you think can give you the best knowledge about your topic. Also, try to understand the niche for which you are writing.

Example: Act like an AI expert and generate an article on the topic ‘role of AI in writing.’


Act like an expert writer and generate an article on the topic ‘role of AI in writing.’

In the first case, you will get an article from the point of view of an AI expert or engineer with technical terms and its benefits while in the other you will get to know the benefits from a writer’s point of view where you will get insights of how it will help a writer.

3. Select your platform

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

You must know which platform you want your text to be centric around.

Although some articles can work for more platforms, it will be good if you keep the opening according to a particular platform in mind.

Say, you want to post this article on both LinkedIn and Medium. You can keep the material and basics the same for both, but the opening might change.

Use it with your prompt to get specified results.

Example: Write an article on the topic, ‘role of AI in writing’ to attract readers on Medium.


Write an article on the topic, ‘role of AI in writing’ like a LinkedIn influencer.

4. Provide relevant information

Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash

The more accurate information you give to the AI, the better outcome it will give you.

You can say that you want the AI to ask you follow-up questions or you can provide links so that it will understand what you want your content around.

Example: You are a social media expert. Suggest viral tweet ideas about the ‘role of AI in writing’ and ask me clarification questions to craft a highly engaging and unique tweet.

5. Experiment with the results

Not every prompt will give you the desired outcome as sometimes AI understand different meaning than what you wanted.

Don’t worry, try again.

You can try the same prompt again to generate different results or you can change some words to create an entirely different outcome.

Play with the prompts a bit to get a good output.

And remember, don’t settle for less.

Example: All the prompts above will generate different outcomes even when their topic is same.

6. Focus on different areas of writing

You can also use prompts to generate different areas of the article separately. That way, the AI will generate diverse results and you can combine them according to your interest.

Example: Generate an intriguing opening for an article on the topic, ‘Role of AI in writing.’

7. Useful prompts

And now, comes the favourite part.

Here are some of the prompts that I have used and they work!

Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

a. Act like a social media expert and generate the article on [topic].

b. You’re an expert of [domain]. Write a [number] words post for [social media platform]. Keep the tone conversational and friendly [or you can select the tone by yourself], and use this outline:

[Give some points if you have an outline in mind or you can skip this].

You can ask clarification questions whenever required.

c. For education blog/article:

You are a [subject] teacher. Explain [topic] in a step-by-step and easy-to-understand manner.

This can include examples, breaking down complex ideas, and posing questions. Also, add 3 questions at the end to test my knowledge.

(You can also use this prompt for understanding any other topic better.)

d. I want you to summarize [link] and brainstorm some ideas to create related blogs.

e. If you were [person, expert, or celebrity name], what advice would you give me to increase my followers on [platform name]?

f. Generate an intriguing article that piques the reader’s attention on the topic [topic name]. Also, give the article a catchy title.

g. Act like my mentor and suggest to me some ways so that I can [your target (money or more followers, etc.)]. Suggest some edits on my previous work [link to your article or previous work.]

h. My primary audience is [description of your target audience]. Generate a blog on [topic] to attract more readers.

Try these and make some prompts of your own!

I hope you enjoyed it.

I will post another article on different apps and websites for a better AI writing companion soon.



Ananya Mittal

AI and human life are merging. Some are lost in the debate, others avoid it. But you can enhance your potential with ethical AI. How?🤔 Follow to find out!