The Art of Embracing Controversy: How to Reach a Wider Audience with Your Content

Ananya Mittal
3 min readJul 1, 2023


a group of people disuccusing on a topic with different views
Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

We often see a post getting engagement and people talk about that post like it’s their only job.

The post has several claps, their comment section is filled with people sharing their thoughts like crazy.

Even though at some point you feel conflicted by that post, you end up being a part of different conversations that go on in the comment section of that post.

The formula behind those posts and articles is simple.


Want to know how you can use it to get more engagement?

Let's dive!

a creator using her tools to make content
Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash

Typically everyone from famous influencers to celebrities and creators uses this formula for their benefit.

Controversies are a great way to get more engagement in your content if you want the reader’s attention.

Let's look at this by taking an example.

Most people like animals.

Some people like dogs, some like cats, and others like tortoises.

Your choice.

But if I want to start a simple controversy, I can publish a post saying, ‘This is why only dogs should be allowed as pets.’

Now, all the other animal lovers will disagree with the title and content and give their reasons as to why their favourite animal is the best companion.

Then comes dog lovers who agree with whatever I said in the article.

They will give their reasons and support my views.

And then comes the most interesting part.

Formation of groups.

Here, the article had divided people into two groups.

Those who agree with me and those who don’t.

So, you see. After publishing my post, I didn’t even have to say a word as the groups were already defined.

They just needed a topic or source to say their words.

Later, if your post is highly controversial or people notice your work and get into serious arguments with others, they might start social media feed.

Here, those who were in your post’s favour, create a positive image and those who disagree will do the opposite.

When they share their views by tagging your post, other people will get a sense of what topic has caused the havoc and soon your post will become a sensation.

This is the power of a good controversy.

Points to remember

a stack of wooden blocks saying ‘people remember stories’
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Although a good topic can make your post go viral, it sometimes backfires.

You don’t want to hurt any particular group’s feelings with your post or content that can cause your existing community to turn against you.

I have seen several examples where controversies help with the promotion of a particular person, but the examples of people facing backlash, aren’t low either.

So, be careful.

Make sure that your title may challenge people’s views, but your content must back them up.


a last chess peice
Photo by Alexis Fauvet on Unsplash

Pay attention to the things you are saying and the intensity of your tone if you don’t want your controversies to turn against you.

Tip: Add subtle lines like ‘I am not saying that other animals are not good, just dogs are the best.’

This can help you if you get stuck in any problem due to your content.



Ananya Mittal

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