Should we Really Hate Plastic?

Harshit Mittal
2 min readApr 4, 2022


Is Plastic that we are using today worth the hatred that we are giving it? Wasn’t it equally harmful for the environment as it was a century ago? The Number of Benefits that Plastic has given us has blind eyed each one of us.

We are surrounded by plastic everywhere. The Tooth Brush we use in the morning to the night suit we wear, everything is made out of plastic. Oh yes! Not just your night suit but the majority of your clothes are mostly made out of nylon and polyester, i.e plastic. As a result, we are now so reliant on plastic that pivoting is quite difficult.

Why did we start using plastic in the first place? Let’s look at some statistics and compare them with alternatives like glass and metal. If alternatives use 99 Units of water then plastic uses 17 units. If alternatives weigh 100 Units then plastics weigh 20 units for the same kind of packaging. If global warming potential for alternatives is 100 units then for plastics it is 46 units. If acidification potential for alternatives is 98 units then for plastics it is 29 units. When Comparing materials throughout the entire lifecycle of a package, plastics leave a much smaller environmental footprint than alternatives.

Still Hating Plastic? Wait, I’ll help you out!

The amount of energy that plastic has saved while manufacturing so far is equal to energy that can power 48 million homes.

The weight of packaging waste that plastic has saved is equal to 290,000 jumbo jets worth of waste

The volume of water that plastic has saved in its manufacturing is equal to 461,000 olympic size swimming pools.

Got your answer for why did we start using plastic in the first place? Let me remind you I haven’t mentioned its durability and economic efficiency yet because that is something you already know.

I know you still hate plastic but a little less now!

Every plastic producer in the world is fully aware of the challenges that improperly handled plastic may bring, and as a result, they have set certain Circular Economy Goals, with the goal of having all plastic packaging in use reused, recycled, or recovered by 2040. However, it is not just the producer’s role, but also the consumer’s responsibility, to manage and dispose of plastic in a responsible manner.

So how do you think as a consumer you can solve the problem caused by mishandled plastic? Please Let me know in the comment section below.


