Apache Open Office

MIT Academys
9 min readMar 14, 2022


About open office

History about open office — open office has become very popular among open source operating system users in linux, unix, and commercial windows operating systems, and the like. open source office software provides you with the software tools and more essential software tools and open source community functions and features equal to all licensed and rental office. you get open office pre-loaded especially in many linux operating systems. along with this, you can download the latest version anytime from its official website. so if you are an open source software user, then you are well aware of all its features. so let us now move ahead about the history of open office, the open office suite here. first of all, open office first origin version was started in germany in the year 1980 with the name of start office. but after some time sun microsystem used the source code of start office in the year 1999 and started office 5.2 version with a new name. where the office suite starts with open office in the year 2011. and its contribution is enhanced with apache software. and now it is released in the new version with apache open office. these are some of the popular free applications found in the default apache open office. for example, apache open office writer, spreadsheet, impress, drawing, base, and math are office software included. all these six applications, linux loads automatically and you can manually download and install them in windows and apple mac operating systems. where each apache open office software application is used to fulfill some specific purpose of the user’s requirement.

Advantages of open source applications.

  • Get apache open office new latest update, new version release software every time, then use all the features of this commercial software product without paying for it. but if you want, you can donate them online for support.
  • The apache open office open source software here saves the user more money, as well as lower system component hardware costs.
  • Get software source code created by the world’s most advanced apache open office developer for every new office application user to lean on or edit.
  • Where apache open office is a highly advanced quality software source, there is no software imposing access to user restrictions, and no blocking user access control.
  • In this you get apache open office open source software support. there is no need to pay a license fee to use an open source product.
  • Where apache open office supports all types of modern and unique operating systems, popular language support.
  • Get used product feedback here apache open source office. it has a file compatibility feature with other office suites. there is no software access full features restriction, if you are a software expert, merge and integrate with open source elements in other source code.

New version about open office — nowadays it has been released with a new name instead of open office. which is called apache open office software. when the user downloads the latest open office software from their website. so apache open software here provides bundled collection of default six office suite applications for many different purposes. now apache open office launch new open office version name is 4.1.11. where in apache open office, the open office user gets a new application user interface, advanced dialog, better application commands, and interface. here you can use the new spreadsheet functions, writer controls, and menus, control the presentation software’s new tools and animation effects, draw or add new effects, newly created publishing, and design controls, improve the base software form database tools creates elements such as databases, reports, etc., includes math formulas in math software. this allows handling a large amount of equation and math logic conditions, where you can easily solve conditions and multiple logical conditions in newer versions of open office suites.

Updated features of apache open office 4.1.

  1. Here you get the new apache open application interface. the new spreadsheet gets improved menus, new author features, new presentation controls, base and drawing features.
  2. Many bugs, errors, and inconveniences in the existing apache open office tools menu or controls have been fixed compared to the previous ones.
  3. Where apache open office is more supportive with other commercial and free open source software office suite packages.
  4. In the new apache open source office, you get a whole new better function, menus, templates and designs, etc.

Where to download open office — to download the apache open office software suite, you have to go to its official website www.openoffice.org/download link. first of all, you have to go to the google search engine in your online web browser on your computer. and in google search text box search apache open office download link, now type manually and find apache open office suite download link. in a matter of seconds, google provides you the exact link to the apache open source software. now here you select your version to download open office. it offers you many options for linux, unix, windows, and mac operating systems. here you need apache open source setup file. after running the full download here or step by step open office installation and use the application using it. open office complete is free foss (free open source software). remember, you don’t need to pay anything here. or you want to pay or donate some amount. so you can donate some amount while clicking download open office suite. if here you are using linux operating system. so this software is found by default in many linux operating systems. here you have the default software system installed with both open office or libreoffice suite to create documents, presentations, spreadsheets, images, formulas, websites, macros, and more.

Pictorial representation of the apache open office suites.

World popular office suite and apps graphical representation.

What is apache open office — apache open office suite is a freely available open source office suite software. by default, apache open office provides its user to use these 6 applications for free. in which writer, spreadsheet, drawing, base, impress, formula, office software application is there. here writer applications are used to create text documents. to create a spreadsheet using the spreadsheet worksheet application, the impact presentation application provides support for creating presentation slides. drawings use software to create 3d graphics, publications, and designs. where aadhaar application allows to create of its own user databases and handles these databases in various forms like tables, reports, forms. query, last but not least math formula editor allows its user to create and solve math equation formulas and conditions in easy to math editor application. all of these applications allow their users to open and modify other open source or other office suite applications without paying for it. documents in a functional open office suite, open office suite provides all kinds of tools, functions, menus, and commands for working. and here you can easily edit and modify all types of electronic document information with these controls.

The following hardware specifications are required to install open office.

  • Must be microsoft windows xp, vista, window 7, 8, 10, windows 11, linux mac os monterey, or android operating system.
  • There should be at least 1 gigabyte of ram. but 2 gigabytes or more is recommended.
  • Minimum 10 gigabyte hard disk should be there for secondary data storage. but in newer hardware systems 500 gigabytes ssd/hdd is recommended.
  • Dual core, amd, or intel i3, i5, i7, i9 microprocessor preferably for better system performance.
  • Current system monitor screen resolution that supports at least 1024×768 screen pixels.

Startup and opening window of open office 4.1 — the apache open office window is displayed when. opening open office for the first time or every time you use openlink of the apache open office suites. so you just click and wait for these screens to appear. after opening the open office startup window, by default you see the apache open office software logo. here you get the apache open office version information. options to create a variety of open office documents including author text documents, spreadsheet worksheets, effect presentation slides, create graphic designs, database forms, queries, reports, tables, and more, create and manage formulas, math applications, mathematical equations hull, etc software is available. here you can open, use existing open office document list files, and select open office web site, document entry online template, get help, new template and move quickly to open office website and other controls.

The apache open office suites group consists of application suites.

Apache open office writer text document application — here is the apache open office writer software at par with other office applications office suite products. for example, microsoft word, wps writer, and others have similar office software to open office writer software. where the commercial use of the apache open office writer application is to create a letter, case, application, book, publication design, table. including, chart, smart art shape, org chart document, insert graphic, sound, audio, video, create mail merge wizard documents, create or manage pdf documents, html, xhtml, xml, web script in web page/writer application, open, edit, modify, print other office suite documents or customize default appearance or preview of other applications document preview, create odf document desire font, apply font scheme, edit these documents with editing tools, default of current document view or replace previews, insert some graphics and multimedia these documents apply formatting and attribute to the current document. add same table of contents to preview some information last but not least some tool controls apply to them apache open office writer checks revision and document integrity.

Apache open office impress presentation application — the open office impress application here is a presentation slide design software similar to other licensed and free office suites available in the market. here you can create a new robust presentation slide in apache open office impress application, add sound, audio, video, graphic, table, chart, animation, multimedia objects to the active impress presentation slide. in personal or professional presentation slides or slide groups, create presentation slides you desire. add audio, visual slide effects, create slides or watch shows for yourself or your audience, insert sound, video, audio, animated clips into an existing presentation slide, slide sorter view, preview slides. to make the slide object more attractive and commercial during the slideshow, preview each slide object, text, picture, graphic, slide animation, slide transition effect in front of your audience, use the file menu to control the presentation. control the new, open, print, print preview behavior in impress, edit to edit the presentation slide and its objects, view or zoom the presentation desired elements, toolbars, or zoom slides, with rt controls, tables, slides, font work gallery objects and many more, the format menu enables you to apply the desired formatting and attributes to the slide effect. the tools option in active impress presentation slides provides some special tools to make presentation slides more attractive, configure active and existing presentation slides. according to the default slide preview, its user can modify the slides according to their needs.

Open office impress window.

Apache open office spreadsheet application — commercial and licensed apache open office calc is application software similar to microsoft excel. here you create a new database, report, table, chart, spreadsheet in the apache open office spreadsheet software. here let’s analyze some complex data and information in a spreadsheet with the chart tool. some list of the range of different types of apache open office calc spreadsheet functions where you add or apply to active worksheets. this, similar to an excel worksheet, gives you the option to apply a different list of functions to the over 300 calc function list in your open office spreadsheet. where you create new pivot tables in apache open office, summary data, show or analyze complex information in 2 dimensional or 3-dimensional format with charts, calc functions, add range text, date and time, database, engineering, recent, math functions, logical, array, financial, information, spreadsheet, and other functions easily apply formulas or add them to calc spreadsheets. also save the spreadsheet, open spreadsheet, print spreadsheet, edit the spreadsheet, view the spreadsheet, insert formulas and functions into a spreadsheet, format existing spreadsheet content and apply some advanced spreadsheet tools and options whenever the user needs it apply the data tools and apply the corresponding effect to the spreadsheet.

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