Docker asset image for the Advanced Sitecore Healthcheck module is available

Árvai Mihály
2 min readOct 12, 2020

Before the latest release of Sitecore (v10), I didn’t have so much experience in Docker. Sitecore provides official support for developing Sitecore applications in a containerized environment, so it’s time to get more knowledge in Docker. I decided to create an asset image for the Advanced Healthcheck Module, so you can easily integrate into your solution too.

This post assumes you have a basic knowledge of running Sitecore on Docker. If you don’t have, I suggest reading this official guide. If you want to learn more about the Healthcheck module, you should read the official documentation site.


The image is available on Docker Hub:

I only tested the image with the official Sitecore 10 containers.

The module updates the cm and mssql roles


  • Add the ASH_VERSION variable to your .env file
  • In the compose override files, add the image to the arguments (cm + mssql)
ASH_IMAGE: mitya88/sitecore-advanced-healthcheck-assets:${ASH_VERSION}
  • Update the cm and mssql docker files
CM docker file, usually located under .\docker\build\cm
MSSQL docker file, usually located under .\docker\build\mssql

That’s all. If you build and compose, Healthcheck module’s shortcut should appear on the launchpad!

