What are Online Networking Events? Top Tips One Should Consider While Hosting Online Networking Events?

6 min readNov 24, 2022


Long gone are the days when you would travel miles to attend a conference, book flights, and cross oceans to meet your international friends and expand your personal network. It is a time completely dominated by technology, and when we say it, we actually mean it.

Be it events or anything else, one can easily see how vastly technology has influenced each and every aspect of our lives. When this technology met adversity a few years ago, what we got were online events. One such event that rose to prominence is what we call online networking events.

In this blog, we will discuss everything about online networking events, their meaning, and the tips one should consider while hosting an online networking event.

So, without any ado, let us jump into the blog and see what it has in store for you.

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1. Meaning of Online Networking Events:

We believe you already have understood what they mean, as the name itself suggests it. However, it is our duty to do the same for you. Hence, online networking events are those events that are hosted with the intention of boosting networking and enabling attendees to interact with each other. However, it might not be possible for organizers to host events solely dedicated to networking. Hence, organizers keep some segments of the events dedicated to networking.

For example, you are hosting an online exhibition through an online exhibition platform. You will see that there are several online engagement tools available that allow attendees to not only present their views and make events interactive. There are several other tools available that enable attendees to connect with fellow attendees and boost their networks. It is the purpose of an online networking event, boosting networking and enabling people to connect with each other.

What Are the Tips One Should Consider During Online Networking Events? — Those Who Are Hosting.

1. Use a Reliable Online Networking Event:

The key to a successful online networking event is a reliable and efficient online event platform. As an organizer, you need to ensure that you choose the right online platform for your event. There are several online platforms available in the market that promise you excellent and over-the-top event experiences. However, what might be suitable for others, might not be suitable for you. Hence, you need to have that clarity about your requirements and what you want from the platform. However, since it is a networking event, and you need to keep networking as your top priority, ensure that the platform you choose comes with several online networking tools. Look for a trustworthy platform, which provides you with tools like live chat, live polls, networking tables, breakout rooms, and so many more.

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2.Use Social Media to Its Full Extent:

We live in a world highly dominated by social media, and how major of a role it plays in our lives can be seen everywhere. Where social media has its negative impacts on young minds, we cannot deny the fact that it has some major life-changing positive effects. It has helped people make an impact in the world and brands to grow and set up their businesses. Hence, take your online event to some social media platforms, and boost its reach exponentially. One more advantage of doing so is enabling your target audience to connect with each other before, during, and after the event.

For that, you should create a page on all social media platforms dedicated to your event. Though you can also post your event-related updates on your company’s handles, having a dedicated page will have more impact on your audience. Not only this, but you can also create your own filters, come up with separate hashtags, collaborations, and so many more things. It is an excellent way to create a base even before the event takes place. Along with this, it will enable your attendees to connect with each other.

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3.Include Tools Like AI Matchmaking:

The next thing you should focus on having in your event is tools such as AI Matchmaking. Yes, people who are attending your event have one thing in common, and that is their interest in your event. However, it is not the only thing that would enable your attendees to interact with each other. They would want to connect with those who share the same interests as them. How would you ensure this happens? By using tools like AI Matchmaking. Thank god for technology that you no longer have to ask people separately about their field of interests and help them match with others on the same basis. AI Matchmaking will filter out people with the same interests and make it easier for the attendees to connect with others and boost their networks.

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4. Focus on Including Fun at Your Online Event:

There is no denying that online events get boring at a certain point. And, attendees don’t have any other choice than quitting it midway. While it doesn’t affect the attendees, it can legitimately affect the organizers, and they may have to face losses. As an organizer, you can’t stop attendees from quitting. But you can surely compel them to stay more and attend the event till the end. How? You can include several fun and engaging factors in your online networking event. It won’t only make people stay longer at your event but also add liveliness to your technology-based event. For example, even though it is an online conference, you can host virtual coffee breaks in between the conference. Not only will it help people take a break and relax, but it will also give them a chance to interact with each other more efficiently.

Networking is one of the most important things that take place during an event. Of course, offline networking has its own charm and advantages; things are as efficient, or even more, with online networking. With online networking events becoming a thing of the present, you can incorporate this factor into your regular online events or even host events solely dedicated to networking. Though those events would either be in-house events or casual events, they would surely fulfill the purpose.

One thing you would need for the same is an efficient strategy. Also, you will need an efficient online event platform that comes with the best networking tools.

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