How to Mix Paraffin with Soy Wax for the Perfect Candle?

Mixing Right Now
4 min readFeb 12, 2024


Candle making is an art that blends diverse materials and knowledge to create pleasing visual and olfactory experiences for its consumers. For the avid candle maker, balancing the use of paraffin with soy wax can lead to an ideal combination that enhances the characteristics of the final product. This guide is crafted for those wanting to dive deeper into candle making, exploring the fusion of these two classic waxes to achieve a distinct and desirable result.

Whether you’re a seasoned candle crafter looking to enrich your current products or a burgeoning enterpriseriacal soul taking the first steps in light-crafting, discovering the right mix of paraffin and soy wax can be the gateway to a rewarding candle-making journey.

Understanding Paraffin and Soy Wax

The Essence of Paraffin

Paraffin wax, a byproduct of petroleum, has been a staple in candle making for many years. Its ease of use and affordability have made it a popular choice among hobbyists and professionals alike. Paraffin candles are known for their bright, steady flame and excellent scent throw — the ability to disperse the aroma into the surrounding air.

The Allure of Soy

In contrast, soy wax is a relatively newer contender in the candle-making arena, touted for its eco-friendliness and the clean-burning attributes it imparts to candles. Derived from soybean oil, soy wax candles are often preferred by those seeking a more sustainable option for their wax crafts.

The Harmonious Marriage

When paraffin pairs with soy wax, the benefits of both waxes are harnessed. This blend can create candles that showcase a clean, consistent burn and a scent throw that lingers longer than many pure soy candles. The result is not only cost-effective but can also improve the overall candle-making experience.

Determining the Ideal Paraffin-to-Soy Wax Ratio

Crafting the Perfect Mix

Determining the right ratio of paraffin to soy wax in candle making is a task that requires a bit of trial and error. The ideal ratio can balance the strengths of both waxes, creating candles with the desired hardness, texture, and scent throw. Factors such as the type of candle being made, the scent load, and the desired burn time all come into play.

Balancing Act

A general starting point for your wax mixing adventure could be a ratio of 70–30, with 70% soy wax and 30% paraffin, or even a half-and-half approach. These ratios are well-regarded among candle-making artisans but remember, what works ideally for one person may differ for another, so experimentation is key.

The Process of Experimentation

It is recommended to test various ratios by making small batches and keeping a detailed log of the results. This log should include your observations on how the candle looks, smells, burns, and how long it lasts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Mixing Paraffin with Soy Wax

Measuring Your Waxes

Begin by measuring out the quantity of wax you will need for the size of the candles you’re crafting. Keep in mind the volume of the final candle and aim for your desired paraffin-to-soy ratio.

Melting Down

Melt the paraffin and soy waxes separately. This can be achieved using a double boiler or the microwave, ensuring the waxes reach their recommended melting temperatures.


Combine the melted waxes into a single vessel and mix them thoroughly until they’re well-incorporated.

Composition Cooling

Once blended, allow the wax mixture to cool and solidify in your chosen candle container or mold.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Mixing

Temperature Precision

Control the temperatures of the melting and cooling phases carefully. Waxes mixed at consistent, higher temperatures can lead to better blending and a smoother candle surface.

The Right Tools for the Job

Use high-quality tools and equipment, from thermometers to stirring utensils, specifically designed for candle making. This helps control the process more effectively and ensures a better final product.

Proper Technique

Stir the waxes gently but thoroughly during mixing. Vigorous stirring can introduce air bubbles or disturb the mixture’s homogeneity.

Benefits of Mixing Paraffin with Soy Wax

Enhanced Fragrance Distribution

A paraffin-soy blend can hold a larger volume of fragrance oils, which means that your candles can deliver stronger, longer-lasting scents.

Superior Burn and Texture

With the addition of paraffin, soy candles can achieve a firmer texture and increased burn time, especially in larger containers or pillars.

Cost-Effective Fusion

Finally, the combination of paraffin and soy waxes is often more cost-effective than using either wax alone, providing a middle ground for those conscious of their budgets.


Candle making is a delicate art with endless possibilities for personalization. By mastering the balance between paraffin and soy waxes, you open up a world of creative opportunities to hone your craft. By understanding the properties and potential of these waxes, discovering the perfect mix becomes a journey of exploration and satisfaction.

Encouraging safe and informed experimentation, this guide is a starting point to help you, the candle maker, find your signature blend. Just as no two candles are alike, your experience and results will be uniquely yours, setting your hand-crafted creations apart in the world of candle enthusiasts.

Unveil the power of paraffin with soy wax in your candle making, and let your creativity shine through in every wick and wax. Your next step? The flicker of a flame on a newly made candle, an ode to your dedication and the perfect blend you’ve crafted.

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