Hushed Arrival of Apple’s Open Source Multimodal LLM called Ferret: A Commitment to Open and Responsible AI or Strategic Power Play?

Mirza Causevic
Generative AI
Published in
4 min readDec 25, 2023


Apple’s foray into open-source artificial intelligence with its Ferret open-source multimodal large language model (MLLM) has left the AI community in a state of surprise. Unveiled quietly in October via GitHub, Ferret represents a significant departure from Apple’s traditionally tight-lipped approach to AI development. The release raises questions about Apple’s strategic direction: is this an embrace of ethical AI, or a competitive counter to AI developments like ChatGPT?

This image is a visual guide to an artificial intelligence system that can look at pictures and understand them in a way similar to how humans do. It shows different methods the system uses to focus on specific parts of a picture, like pointing to a spot or drawing a circle around an area. There’s also a part that deals with processing the whole image to get the gist of what it’s about. On one side, there’s mention of a language model, which suggests that the system can also read and understand text related to the pictures, such as identifying a cat’s tail in an image. The overall idea is that this system is designed to analyze and interpret images and text together, making sense of what it sees and reads, much like a smart assistant that can both look at pictures and read descriptions.

Ferret itself is a cutting-edge MLLM, uniquely capable of interpreting both images and text, and allowing for detailed queries within specific areas of an image. This capability pushes the boundaries beyond current models that process images as a whole, setting the stage for potential advances in a variety of fields, from science to education.

Ferret (MLLM)

The revelation of Apple’s decision to make Ferret open-source is perhaps the most startling aspect of this news. Known for its secretive, tightly controlled in-house developments, Apple’s pivot towards transparency with Ferret may indicate a strategic shift within the company. This move has been interpreted by some as a commitment to ethical AI, fostering a spirit of collaboration and aiming for widespread benefits. They anticipate a future where developers across the globe can contribute to and improve Ferret, accelerating the maturation of the model and making sophisticated AI tools more accessible.

Conversely, some industry observers view this as a shrewd strategic play by Apple to gain competitive advantage. Tech analyst Ben Thompson argues that open-sourcing Ferret enables Apple to tap global AI talent and accelerate Ferret’s capabilities ahead of rivals like Microsoft and Google who develop models secretly. However, risks remain around protecting Apple’s intellectual property and core AI competencies.

The reality likely combines ethical and tactical motivations. While open-sourcing may promote collaboration and accessibility, Apple also stands to benefit strategically. But by sharing Ferret openly, Apple puts trust in the community to ensure responsible development.

The success of open-source Ferret depends on addressing risks proactively. Developers must implement safeguards against biases, security flaws, misinformation, and harmful use cases. The community must also enhance Ferret’s accuracy, contextual awareness, and fact-checking abilities before deployment. If not handled carefully, the harms could outweigh the benefits.

Ultimately, Ferret’s open-source approach will be judged by Apple’s ability to foster an ethical, engaged community balancing rapid innovation with prudent precautions. If successful, Apple could positively transform the culture of the AI industry — steering it in a more collaborative direction focused on placing advanced tools safely into public hands.

Additional resources:

Expert Perspectives — Analysis and commentary from AI experts:

Example Open-Source AI Projects — For models and context:

Apple’s AI Principles — Relevant to discussion of Apple’s motives:

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I explore AI's impact across industries - marketing, cybersecurity, business. Insights into emerging tech like large language models and future of work.