Do you want to get as many email subscribers as possible and convert them into paying customers? In this blog post on how to build a sales funnel that converts and the first step you need to take to build a profitable business. Maybe you already heard about sales funnels and that everyone should have one but you have no idea how to build a good sales funnel that converts. Or maybe you have no idea what a sales funnel is. Anyway you’ll find the information you need to convert more people into email subscribers and then into customers.

What is a sales funnel?

No, that’s not how a sales funnel looks like

A sales funnel is the buying process of your prospects. It represents the steps you want your visitors to take in order to reach the end goal. Most of the time the end goal is selling something. It also can be to subscribe, watch a video, engage and so on. I’m going to repeat “sales funnel” throughout this blog post but don’t let these fancy words mislead you. A sales funnel is simply made of some landing pages and emails. Here’s the trick — specific pages at specific phases of your sales funnel give you different results. That’s why it looks that complicated and everyone talks about it.

How to build a sales funnel?

This how an actual sales funnel looks like. Just pages and emails

You should create a few pages on your website where people will take specific actions that will give you specific results (sales). I have a detailed free online class about sales funnels and how to make more money with the same amount of traffic. Sign up here:

Most of you have a sales funnel set up but you didn’t know about it. Your squeeze page (the page where you collect emails, aka sign up page), thank you page and your emails are the elements of your simple sales funnel.Wait a minute… You don’t collect emails? What are you doing? You need to build a communication channel with your visitors asap. The money is in the list, so start building your email list now!

How to build a profitable sales funnel?

Have a clear goal — what you want your visitors and email subscribers to do at each step of the funnel.

People land on your website, what is one action you want them to take? Do you want them to watch the video, sign up, leave a comment or buy your product? People don’t really buy the first time they visit a new website and 90% of your visitors won’t return. That’s why it’s important to collect emails, communicate with your email subscribers to build a high trust relationship with them, get them back on your website and then they will buy your products. Let’s say your goal is to grow your email list, then put 3–5 sign up forms on your page. Tell what they are going to get, what is going to change after they sign up and put more then one form on your website.

After you take this online class you’ll be able to convert more then 20% of your visitors into email subscribers. Learn how to do that here:

Ok, you started collecting emails, what’s next?

Build your Thank You page the right way

When I subscribe to someone’s email list most of the time I get this message “Thank you, check your email”. At least I get that message sometimes I don’t even know if I even subscribed. But, this message won’t make you money. You can do the following things on your thank you page.

  1. Ask people to share your lead magnet (what they opted-in for). In return you’ll give some additional resources or tips. You can easily do that with a free tool called Go Viral from Grothtools.
  2. Deliver the product they opted in for. You can make a separate page with a button to download the file.
  3. Ask to join your Facebook group
  4. Sell something. Yep! Sell something on your thank you page.

You can do something like this: Thank you for signing up up, check your email. Do you “PAIN POINT” then I can help you with “THE STRUGGLE”. I put together a simple online class/PDF. “Thank you for signing up, you’ll get the checklist on your emails. Do you want to get more email subscribers and convert them into customers? I can help you automate your business so you can spend more time with your family. This is a one time offer, get the road map for only $19 and start making more sales this week” . This is just an example but you get the point. The statistics show that around 10% of people will get your tripwire. If you are interested in learning how to get more email subscribers and make more sales then sign up for my free online class here. I cover not only the tripwire but also what you should do after the sale.

As I mentioned earlier a sales funnel is built from pages and emails. So far, you collect emails and send people to a specific thank you page. It has one of the following goals- deliver the product, get more shares, join your Facebook group or to buy the tripwire.

How do I sell my main product?

Okay, that’s great but how do I sell my main product? I found these ways the most effective:

  • Email challenge
  • Webinars
  • Flash sale
This is an example of a sales funnel that uses webinars as a sales tool

You need people’s emails to communicate with them, that’s why it’s crucial to collect emails. My language website has more than 2 000 emails but I don’t communicate with them so I’m not making any money from that site.

People don’t just buy your product because it’s awesome. Actually, no one cares about your product. Provide value, tell people what problem you solve and they will start considering to buy your product. The email challenge helps your subscribers with a specific problem and build a relationship with your audience. They get to know you better, you provide value first and then asked for the sale. At the end of the email challenge is a great time to tell your subscribers that you have a product they might benefit from. Webinars do the same thing but in a more compressed format. Also, people love videos. They learn something new, you help them understand what they might be doing wrong and at the end as a solution they get your product.

If you don’t have the time or maybe don’t know what you can teach in your email challenge/webinar then do a flash sale. You can see an example here from Drip Script. It’s faster to implement and you’ll gather data about that your audience. Implement the tripwire and one of the methods to promote your main product then share your results with me. I would like to see your case study. Meanwhile watch this online class where you’ll learn more about sales funnels and why you start making money only after the sale of your main product.



Mizuki Tao | Pinterest Marketing + Sales Funnel

I help young entrepreneurs to drive traffic from Pinterest and convert it with a sales funnel. More great tips on my blog