Propel Your Personal Growth with Psychological Capital

What is it? Why do you want it? How to increase it…

Mj Jens
5 min readJun 9, 2024

Personal development and growth are important to me. Afterall,

“The greatest project you’ll ever work on is you.”

Positive psychology is the study of what makes life most worth living and the concepts can greatly support your own personal growth journey.

Positive psychology
Photo by Viktor Forgacs™️ on Unsplash

One such concept that positively affects personal growth is psychological capital.

What is Psychological Capital?

Psychological capital, or PsyCap, is a concept that refers to a person’s positive psychological state and is characterized by 4 components.

Each of these components contribute to your overall wellbeing and performance.


Hope is a positive motivational state and within PsyCap it refers to the belief in your ability to set and achieve goals, even in the face of adversity.


Self-efficacy is your belief in yourself, your skills, and your ability to successfully complete tasks and achieve goals.




Mj Jens

I like to share what I learn to help others. I write about, productivity | peak performance| | habits| personal growth | writing| Editor@ CREATIVETECH Friends