120 Tricky Love Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

4 min readApr 2, 2023
Tricky Love Questions

Are you looking to deepen your emotional connection with your boyfriend and build a foundation for a happy and healthy relationship? One suitable method to do this is to ask him tricky love questions. These questions are meant to help couples figure out how to deal with the tricky parts of romantic relationships and learn more about their needs and desires.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about 120 tricky love questions. These questions will help you know your boyfriend better. So, let’s discover how asking tricky love questions can help you get closer to your partner.


Here are some tricky love questions to ask your lover to get to know him better:

1- What is your first childhood memory, and how does it still affect you?

2- What was your family dynamic when you were a child, and how did it influence your perspective on relationships?

3- Can you tell me about your first love and what you learned from it?

4- What are your most important personal goals, and how do you plan to reach them?

5- What are your biggest goals in life, and how do you think our relationship fits into them?

6- Have you ever had to choose between the person you loved and your job? Which one did you pick, and why?

7- Where would you go and why if you could live anywhere?

8- What’s most important to you in a relationship?

9- What’s one thing about yourself you wish people knew?

10- What was the one thing that changed your life the most?

11- Do you think our lives are set out for us, or do you think we make our paths?

12- What would you change about your past if you could return in time?

13- What scares you the most, and how do you deal with it?

14- How important is it for a partner to be honest?

15- What do you think about marriage? Do you see yourself getting married?

16- How do you show love, and what is your love language?

17- What makes a relationship work, and what makes people happy?

18- What’s the biggest lie you think people believe about love?

19- How do you deal with fights in a relationship, and what do you do to make things better?

20- What do you like most in a partner, and how do those qualities match mine?


Here are some difficult questions about love and relationships:

1- What does love mean to you, and how has your idea of it changed over time?

2- What are the most important things you look for in a partner, and why do you care about them?

3- How do you show love to your partner? What is your love language?

4- Do you agree with soulmates, or do you think you can have more than one “the one”?

5- How do you picture the perfect date, and why does that sound good to you?

6- How important is physical attraction to you in a relationship, and how does it affect how you feel about your partner?

7- Do you think having a good relationship with someone far away is possible? If so, what would you do to make it work?

8- What do you think about showing affection publicly, and how comfortable are you with it?

9- What is your relationship communication style, and how do you tell your partner what you want and how you feel?

10- What is the most significant relationship myth, and how do you try to clarify it?

11- How do you use social media to connect with your partner? What do you feel about the role of social media in modern relationships?

12- How do you balance independence and dependence in your relationship, and how do you keep this balance?

13- How important are two people to share interests and hobbies?

14- What do you think about cheating, and how would you handle it in your relationship if it happened?

15- How do you stay true to yourself and not let your partner change who you are?

16-What do you do when you and your partner disagree, and how do you attempt to find a solution that benefits both parties?

17- What is the key to staying emotionally close to your partner?

18- How important is it for a couple to be financially compatible? How do you and your partner make financial decisions together?

19-How do you discuss plans in your relationship, and how do you ensure your objectives are the same?

20 What does an excellent romantic relationship mean to you? How do you and your partner work to make it work?

Keep Reading: 120 Tricky Love Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend




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