How do you cold call?

Manu Jain
1 min readAug 17, 2021


‘Cold pinging’ is a tricky space. No one wants to send them, no one wants to receive them. But, when done right- cold pinging can be a powerful lead generation tool for your business, and in my personal experience it’s always worth a shot.

The trick here is to successfully get yourself noticed.

When you draft your message- don’t be vague, self-indulgent or presumptuous.

  • The primary goal of a cold outreach is to develop a connection with a potential client. If you want a response to your pitch, you have to make it memorable.
  • You have to have an appealing subject line, actionable information, or relevant social proof. Keep your message short and simple, and try to make a personal connection- maybe you went to the same college, maybe you have a mutual friend- use this to catch their attention.
  • - Always take time to do your research, find leads- find your ideal client and most importantly, which person at the organisation you should be emailing.
  • - Another trick I find useful is to try to be light-hearted and humorous- it keeps people reading, and is great to break-up dry content.



Manu Jain

Manu Jain, the Founder of Carbun8 and Unpuzzleit, is a visionary leader and a man with grand plans. A man who belives in hustle and hard work & perseverance