I’ve given up with WordPress — For now!

Mohammad Javed
2 min readJul 18, 2018


“Close-up of lines of code on a computer screen” by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

WordPress CMS

WordPress, one of the content management systems that are used heavily for personal, company, blogging sites. It’s simple and easy to use. Even someone new to WordPress will be able to grasp the basics fairly quickly. It just works.

So if it works, why are you not using it? Well, I do use it, but not as often as I should. Why not?

The main reasons for not using WordPress at the moment are;

  • Not enough time
  • No personal projects to showcase
  • Work commitments
  • Not blogging enough

So why are you using Medium then?

I’ve turned to Medium so I can get into the habit of blogging. As a Front-end Web Developer, there is something I can blog about. It’s an industry where you learn something new everyday. I’ll be able to write about web development articles, expand on my knowledge and hopefully start to collaborate with other fellow web developers.

“Close-up of a person's hands on the keyboard of a MacBook” by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

I currently develop websites in WordPress, Magento, Umbraco & Shopify. I’d say I enjoy working with WordPress more. Just my personal preference, I’m sure there are loads of developers out there that have a specific CMS they use for website development.

So the aim is to publish one or two blogs in a week and see where I can go from there. I’m going to keep this short now and not ramble on, that’s for the future blogs that will be published in time. So here we go, let the blogging adventure begin!

Now it’s time to redirect my domain to my Medium profile, that’ll give me the kick up the backside that’s required in order for me to get writing. I fully intend on going back to WordPress when I have something to showcase other than blog articles, for now the best use of my time will be to start blogging on Medium.



Mohammad Javed

Front End Web Developer - Developing in WordPress, Magento, Shopify, Umbraco & Laravel.