Balancing Literal vs. Serious Interpretation: A Practical Approach to Understanding the Bible

M. J. Kelley II
4 min readMar 22, 2023

As a Christian, I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and the ultimate source of truth. However, I also recognize that interpreting the Bible can be a complex and challenging task. In this article, I will explore the topic of Bible interpretation and hermeneutics, discuss the importance of interpreting scripture correctly, and provide practical tips for interpreting the Bible effectively.

Introduction to Bible interpretation and hermeneutics

Bible interpretation, also known as hermeneutics, is the process of understanding the meaning of the Bible. Hermeneutics involves studying the historical, cultural, and literary context of the text, as well as the original languages in which the Bible was written. The goal of hermeneutics is to determine the intended meaning of the text and apply it to our lives today.

The importance of interpreting scripture correctly

Interpreting scripture correctly is essential for understanding God’s message and applying it to our lives. Misinterpretation can lead to confusion, division, and even false teaching. Therefore, it is crucial to approach Bible interpretation with care and diligence.

Common challenges with biblical interpretation

There are several common challenges with biblical interpretation. One of the most significant challenges is the language barrier. The Bible was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, which can be challenging for modern readers to understand. Additionally, the Bible was written in a different cultural and historical context than our own, which can make it difficult to understand certain passages.

Another challenge with biblical interpretation is the issue of interpretation bias. People often approach the Bible with preconceived notions about what it says or should say. This can lead to misinterpretation or a failure to consider alternative viewpoints.

Understanding the context of scripture

Understanding the context of scripture is essential for interpreting it correctly. The context includes the historical, cultural, and literary background of the passage. For example, understanding the cultural practices and beliefs of the people at the time of writing can shed light on the meaning of certain passages.

Additionally, understanding the literary context of a passage is critical for interpreting it correctly. The Bible is made up of various genres, including poetry, narrative, and epistles. Each genre has its own unique characteristics and requires different interpretive approaches.

Principles of biblical interpretation

There are several principles of biblical interpretation that can help us understand the Bible better. One of the most important principles is to read the Bible in its entirety. The Bible is a cohesive whole, and individual passages must be interpreted in the context of the entire Bible.

Another essential principle is to interpret the Bible literally, but not always literally. Some passages of the Bible are meant to be taken literally, while others are intended to be metaphorical or symbolic. Interpreting the Bible literally means taking the text at face value unless there is a compelling reason not to.

Different approaches to interpreting the Bible

There are several different approaches to interpreting the Bible. One approach is the historical-critical method, which seeks to understand the historical and cultural context of the text. Another approach is the literary approach, which focuses on the literary structure and devices used in the text.

A third approach is the theological approach, which seeks to understand the theological themes and messages of the text. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, and it is essential to use a combination of approaches to interpret the Bible effectively.

Interpreting scripture about unity in the church

One area where different interpretations of scripture can lead to confusion and division is the topic of unity in the church. The Bible teaches that Christians should be united in their faith and love for one another. However, there are disagreements about what this unity looks like in practice.

Examples of different interpretations of scripture about church unity

One example of different interpretations of scripture about church unity is the debate over the role of women in the church. Some Christians believe that women should have equal leadership roles in the church, while others believe that women should only serve in supportive roles.

Another example is the debate over the use of spiritual gifts in the church. Some Christians believe that all spiritual gifts are still active today, while others believe that some gifts ceased with the apostles.

Practical tips for interpreting scripture effectively

Here are some practical tips for interpreting scripture effectively:

  1. Pray for guidance and understanding before reading the Bible.
  2. Read the Bible in its entirety and in context.
  3. Use a combination of interpretive approaches, including historical, literary, and theological.
  4. Be aware of your interpretation biases and be open to alternative viewpoints.
  5. Seek guidance from trusted Christian mentors and teachers.

Conclusion: Balancing literal and serious interpretation

In conclusion, interpreting the Bible is a complex and challenging task, but it is also essential for understanding God’s message and applying it to our lives. By understanding the context of scripture, using sound interpretive principles, and seeking guidance from trusted Christian mentors, we can interpret the Bible effectively and with integrity. May we all strive to balance literal and serious interpretation as we seek to understand and apply the word of God to our lives.

CTA: As you continue to study and interpret the Bible, remember to approach it with humility and an open heart. Let us strive to be faithful stewards of God’s word, seeking to understand it correctly and applying it to our lives with love and compassion.

M. J. Kelley II



M. J. Kelley II

Masters of Arts Biblical Studies from LBU. Working towards a Ph. D. Studied under Dr. Missler at Khouse. Several published books on Amazon.