The Divine Nature of Jesus: Bible Verses that Prove He’s God, Not Created

M. J. Kelley II
5 min readApr 10, 2023

The question of whether Jesus is God has been debated for centuries, with some arguing that he was just a man, and others claiming that he was divine. As a Christian, I believe that Jesus is God, and this belief is supported by numerous Bible verses. In this article, I will share some of these verses, as well as Jesus’ own claims to be God, the relationship between Jesus and God, and historical evidence for Jesus’ divinity. I will also address common objections to Jesus’ divinity and explain why believing in his divinity is significant.

Bible Verses that Affirm Jesus’ Divinity

One of the most compelling pieces of evidence for Jesus’ divinity is the Bible itself. There are several verses that clearly state that Jesus is God. One of these is John 1:1, which says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The “Word” in this passage refers to Jesus, and it is clear that he is being equated with God.

Another verse that affirms Jesus’ divinity is Colossians 1:15–20, which says, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” This passage makes it clear that Jesus is not only God, but also the creator of all things.


Jesus’ Own Claims to Be God

In addition to the Bible verses that affirm Jesus’ divinity, there are also several instances in which Jesus himself claimed to be God. One of the most well-known of these is John 10:30, where Jesus says, “I and the Father are one.” This statement was so controversial at the time that the Jews picked up stones to stone him, because they understood that he was claiming to be God.

Another example of Jesus’ claims to be God can be found in John 8:58, where he says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” This statement was also highly controversial, because Jesus was claiming to be the same “I am” that God revealed himself as in the Old Testament.

The Trinity and the Relationship Between Jesus and God

The relationship between Jesus and God is often explained in terms of the Trinity, which is the belief that there is one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. This means that Jesus is not a separate god from the Father, but rather one person of the same Godhead.

Jesus himself spoke of this relationship in John 14:9–11, where he says, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father… Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.”

Historical Evidence for Jesus’ Divinity

In addition to the Bible, there is also historical evidence that supports the claim that Jesus is God. For example, the early Christian church, which was made up of eyewitnesses to Jesus’ life and teachings, believed that he was divine. This is evidenced by the fact that they referred to him as “Lord” and “Savior,” terms that were reserved for God.

Furthermore, there are several non-Christian sources from the time that mention Jesus and attest to his divinity. For example, the Jewish historian Josephus wrote about Jesus in his Antiquities of the Jews, saying that he was “a wise man… who wrought surprising feats” and that “he was the Christ.” While some scholars debate the authenticity of this passage, it is generally accepted that Josephus did write about Jesus.

Common Objections to Jesus’ Divinity and Responses to Them

Despite this evidence, there are still those who object to the idea that Jesus is God. Some argue that Jesus never claimed to be God, and that this idea was invented by his followers later on. However, as we have seen, there are several instances in which Jesus did claim to be God, and these claims were recorded in the Bible.

Others argue that the Trinity is a contradictory concept, and that it is impossible for one God to exist in three persons. While it is true that the Trinity is difficult to understand, it is not inherently contradictory. Rather, it is a mystery that we may never fully comprehend.

The Significance of Believing in Jesus’ Divinity

Believing in Jesus’ divinity is significant for several reasons. First, it is central to the Christian faith. Without this belief, Christianity would not exist as we know it today.

Second, believing in Jesus’ divinity gives us hope and comfort. We know that we serve a God who not only created us, but also loves us enough to become one of us and die for our sins.

Finally, believing in Jesus’ divinity gives us a sense of purpose. We know that we were created by God for a specific reason, and that our lives have meaning and significance.

The Importance of Understanding the Meaning of Theos (God) in the Bible

In order to fully understand the claim that Jesus is God, it is important to understand the meaning of the word “God” in the Bible. In the original Greek, the word used for “God” is “theos.” This word can refer to the one true God, but it can also refer to false gods or even to powerful human beings.

However, when “theos” is used in reference to Jesus, it is always used in the sense of the one true God. This is significant, because it shows that the writers of the New Testament believed that Jesus was not just a powerful human being, but was actually God in the flesh.

The Significance of the Name “Jesus” and Its Meaning in the Bible

The name “Jesus” is also significant in understanding his divinity. The name “Jesus” is derived from the Hebrew name “Yeshua,” which means “salvation” or “to save.” This name was given to Jesus because he came to save humanity from sin and death.

Furthermore, the name “Jesus” is often used interchangeably with the name “Lord.” In the Bible, the name “Lord” is used to refer to God, and so by calling Jesus “Lord,” the writers of the New Testament were equating him with God.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In conclusion, there is ample evidence to support the claim that Jesus is God. From the Bible verses that affirm his divinity, to his own claims to be God, to the historical evidence that supports this belief, it is clear that Jesus is not just a man, but is actually God in the flesh.

Believing in Jesus’ divinity is significant because it is central to the Christian faith, gives us hope and comfort, and gives us a sense of purpose. Understanding the meaning of the word “God” in the Bible and the significance of the name “Jesus” further reinforces this belief.

As a Christian, I believe that Jesus is God, and that this belief has significant implications for how we live our lives. I encourage you to explore this topic further and to come to your own conclusion about the divinity of Jesus.

Happy Easter — He is Risen!!




M. J. Kelley II

Masters of Arts Biblical Studies from LBU. Working towards a Ph. D. Studied under Dr. Missler at Khouse. Several published books on Amazon.