Who is the Angel of the Lord? Unveiling the Enigmatic Figure in the Bible

M. J. Kelley II
5 min readAug 14, 2023

Throughout the pages of the Bible, an intriguing character known as the “angel of the Lord” appears, leaving readers puzzled about his identity and significance. This enigmatic figure is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments, with references that blur the line between the angel and God Himself. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the various interpretations and theories surrounding the angel of the Lord, shedding light on his possible identity and the profound implications it holds for our understanding of Scripture.

The Angel of the Lord: A Divine Messenger

The term “angel of the Lord” originates from the Hebrew word “malak,” which translates to “messenger.” However, this particular messenger is not just an ordinary angel; he is specifically referred to as the “angel of the Lord.” This distinction sets him apart from other angels and suggests a unique role and relationship with God. The angel of the Lord is often depicted as a divine emissary, acting as a representative of Yahweh Himself.

Three Perspectives: Who is the Angel of the Lord?

As we explore the identity of the angel of the Lord, three primary perspectives emerge from biblical scholarship:

  1. A Mighty Angel as God’s Representative: Some argue that the angel of the Lord is simply a powerful angelic being chosen by God to act as His special representative. This viewpoint emphasizes the angel’s role as a messenger rather than a manifestation of God Himself.
  2. God the Father in Human Form: Another perspective suggests that the angel of the Lord is God the Father assuming a human body for specific interactions with humanity. This interpretation emphasizes the angel’s divine nature and his ability to appear in physical form.
  3. God the Son: The most widely accepted interpretation among Christians is that the angel of the Lord is a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This perspective highlights the angel’s similarity to Jesus in terms of his divine authority, characteristics, and fulfillment of Messianic roles.

The Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament

To unravel the mystery of the angel of the Lord, we must examine his appearances and interactions throughout the Old Testament. Each encounter provides valuable insights into his nature and purpose. Let us delve into some of the most significant instances:

The Angel of the Lord and Hagar’s Promise

One of the earliest appearances of the angel of the Lord is to Hagar, the mistress of Abraham and mother of Ishmael. In Genesis 16, Hagar flees to the wilderness after facing mistreatment. The angel of the Lord finds her and delivers a message of hope:

“I will greatly multiply your offspring so that they cannot be counted for multitude.” — Genesis 16:10

Despite being an angel, the figure claims the ability to multiply Hagar’s descendants, a divine prerogative. Hagar recognizes the significance of this encounter, declaring, “You are the God who sees me.” This acknowledgment suggests that she believes she has encountered God Himself.

From: https://bibleinspired.org/

Abraham and the Angel of the Lord on Mount Moriah

Another pivotal moment occurs when the angel of the Lord intervenes to prevent Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac, on Mount Moriah. The angel speaks with divine authority, stating:

“Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” — Genesis 22:12

In this instance, the angel of the Lord addresses Abraham as though he were God, reinforcing the belief that he is a manifestation of the divine. This encounter showcases the angel’s role in testing Abraham’s faith and foreshadows the sacrificial nature of Christ’s ultimate act on the cross.

Jacob’s Wrestling Match with the Angel of the Lord

Jacob’s encounter with the angel of the Lord is one of the most perplexing and significant in the Old Testament. In Genesis 32, Jacob wrestles with a mysterious man throughout the night, refusing to let go until he receives a blessing. As daybreak approaches, the man touches Jacob’s hip, dislocating it but also blessing him. Jacob then realizes the profound nature of this encounter:

“I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” — Genesis 32:30

Jacob’s words confirm his belief that the figure he wrestled with is none other than God Himself. This incident exemplifies the angel of the Lord’s ability to assume human form and engage in physical interactions with humanity.

The Angel of the Lord in the New Testament and Beyond

Although references to the angel of the Lord diminish in the New Testament, the significance of this figure carries over into the teachings of Jesus and the early Christian understanding of his identity. The angel of the Lord serves as a precursor and foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, reinforcing the belief in his divine nature and mission.

The Angel of the Lord: A Glimpse of the Triune God

The complex nature of the angel of the Lord serves as a testament to the multifaceted character of God Himself. This enigmatic figure, whether viewed as a powerful angel, God the Father, or a pre-incarnate manifestation of Jesus Christ, points to the profound mystery of the Trinity. The angel of the Lord represents a divine unity that encompasses the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in perfect harmony.


The identity of the angel of the Lord remains a subject of theological debate and interpretation. While the precise nature of this figure may elude us, his appearances and interactions in the Old Testament provide valuable insights into the divine nature and the intricate relationship between God and humanity. Whether viewed as a representative angel, God the Father, or a manifestation of Jesus Christ, the angel of the Lord serves as a powerful reminder of God’s involvement in human affairs and His ultimate plan for redemption. As we continue to explore the depths of Scripture, may the mystery of the angel of the Lord deepen our understanding and awe of the Triune God.

M. J. Kelley II




M. J. Kelley II

Masters of Arts Biblical Studies from LBU. Working towards a Ph. D. Studied under Dr. Missler at Khouse. Several published books on Amazon.