The Death of HEX as Funds are Siphoned Out

Meredith Loughran
2 min readJan 14, 2020

It didn’t take rocket science to see that HEX was a scam. We’d written a few articles about it on Crypto, Trader, News. but now there seems to be proof positive that HEX is dead — or very nearly so.

Let’s take a look at what’s going on.

Etherscan tells no lies

Looking at the Hex main wallet on Etherscan, outgoing transactions began on December 12, 2019, which didn’t raise a lot of concern as most project have operating costs that can be written off as normal. But there were no deposits after the December date and withdrawals hit a fevered pitch on January 6, 2020 when 36 outgoing transactions for 1,337 ETH each painted a clear picture that HEX was the scam that we predicted.

Consider that 1 ETH was equal to approximately $144 on January 6. Let’s do a little math.

144 * 1337 = 192,528
192.528 * 36 = $6,931,008

That’s right. Nearly $7 million worth of ETH is gone. With cryptocurrency prices on an upsurge, that value is even higher.

HEX made some pretty lofty claims about being known as the CDs, or Certificates of…



Meredith Loughran

Writer | Online Community Engagement Specialist | Crypto Immersed | SMM | Slightly Manic Aspie | Coffee Addict | INTJ-A