50+ Star Wars women that you never heard of and can COSPLAY today! (NSFW)

Hope you have a good day!
49 min readApr 5, 2022

Are there really no women in Star Wars? First, before we go deep into the world of Star Wars and yes the COSPLAY worthy females of Star Wars, here is a list of the usual suspects just to jog your memory. You probably are familiar with all of them but if you aren’t that is ok….

  1. Rey (The Force Awakens, 2015)

2. Padme Amidala (the Attack of the Clones, 2002).


3. Leia Organa (A New Hope, 1977)


4. Jyn Erso (Rogue One)


5. Mon Mothma (Return of the Jedi, 1983)


6. Ahsoka Tano (Clone Wars: Animated Series, 2017)


7. Sabine Wren (Star Wars: Rebels, 2018)


8. Bo Katan (the Mandalorian, 2020).


9. Hera Syndulla (Star Wars: Rebels, 2015).


10. Asajj Ventress (Clone Wars: Animated Series, 2017).


Okay that’s it — those are the heavy hitters. Some of them are lesser known in their respective media but more popular in the cosplay world. That’s unfortunate! If you have at least heard of Star Wars you know the big names. If you have only watched the movies you are probably familiar with a few more. And if you have ever ventured further into the SWU and kept up with some of the animated cartoon series (now streaming on Disney+, not sponsored haha) you likely know the rest very well. But that is not all of them, not by a long shot. This list below contains 50+ Star Wars women you probably don’t know and likely have never seen before. I will also rank their Cosplay difficulty from 1 to 10 (ten being the most difficult) since as you know I am extremely experienced in costume design. Just in case you think some of them are out of your age bracket perhaps you might be able to get a little creative and imagine what they would look like if they were the same age as you — fun! In the mean time, as promised, here are the 50+ females in Star Wars that you have never seen before — those who have seen them know that they have made their mark in that larger Star Wars universe and won’t be forgotten any time soon. Ready? Lets go deep!

  1. Oola (Return of the Jedi) — — — — — — — —— — — — —-Difficulty: 7

Maybe you don’t remember this character’s dance, but perhaps you have suppressed her screams — Oola was one of Jabba the Hutt’s live dancers who was sent down into the Rancor pit — she was eaten having not pleased the big crime lord for whatever reason. A female Twi’lek and more so a black actress, her character often goes forgotten in the Cosplay world and that is a shame! Maybe you look at her and think, “No way I could pull off her wardrobe,” and that is ok, but as far as cosplay characters go she rivals, and in mine opinion out performs, the traditional and often repeated slave-Leia costume. While Leia happens to be the most memorable skin-shower, she wasn’t the only scantily dressed female in Jabba’s court as here are a few more (picture below)!


2. Lyn Me (Return of the Jedi) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 8

Next up, you guessed it, another scantily dressed Twi’lek from Jabba’s Palace. This time representing Asian women, female actress Dalyn Chew was a lead singer in the Max Rebo band rocking the first space-bikini (something you would never see at a beach on earth, well ok maybe San Francisco). It is rare to see this Cosplay imitated, as you can see why, but that too is a shame since her character is actually pretty significant. You might already know this but Boba Fett has a thing for Asians — she was romantically involved with the nefarious bounty hunter (though that explicit information is only provided off-screen)! Dalyn was trained originally in dance and ballet in El Paso and then in San Francisco before landing this role in cinema history. Now her character lives on as an edgy and cultural icon worthy of any Cosplay or Convention. The next character is also risque and actually in Lyn’s picture (below).


3. Rystall Sant (Return of the Jedi) — — — — — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 4.9

Rystall Sant, singer in Jabba’s Palace, and whose species is listed as near-human or specifically a human-Theelin hybrid. How bout that, a mixed species character “early” in the Star Wars universe. From the spikes on her temple to the purple and pink abrasions on her upper torso and her flamin’ red and pink and orange hair and her yellow eyes to her white skin, Rystall is quite a worthy Cosplay challenge for anyone daring to try it. I say early because she never made an appearance until 1997’s Special Edition release of the Return of the Jedi. She was actually there the whole time but the original film didn’t show her after editing. Ironically, in the newer release, she is flirting with Boba, but as you now already know, he was more interested in Lyn.


4. Jess (Return of the Jedi) — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 4

Okay, just to make things simple, here is another scantily clad woman from ROTJ. Her character’s name is Jess and her low cut top and white hair with blue highlights with long blue leggings and a midriff showing makes her, unsurprisingly, a worthy female character to imitate — dress wise for Cosplay anyways. In the film she is seen stroking Bib Fortuna’s lekku (that really ugly assistant who speaks funny) and one day hopes to one day escape her life by joining a new band. But in the movie, the fat twi’lek then drags Jess to where the rancor pit trap swallowed up Oola, so I guess even he wasn’t too keen on her. In the second picture (below) even she doesn’t seem too thrilled to play the part, so maybe you can try and become the Jess she deserved to be!


5. Karie Neth (Return of the Jedi) — — — — — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 2.2

Just in case you thought this entire list was going to be somewhat less than reputable women with even less clothing, the 5th female on the list is a rebel pilot in a rebel flight suit. Yes there were women pilots in Star Wars! In fact there was another female pilot whose scenes were cut in the final edit of the Return of the Jedi including “an entire page of dialogue” — named Drovio and Sila Cot and another unnamed character. I am posting this character so close to the top because this character not only revisited the screen in Squadrons — video game — but the rebel flight suit is so iconic of Star Wars memorabilia and was famously worn by the main protagonist in the Empire Strikes Back — one might easily copy her design for a memorable Cosplay or photo shoot — and besides she is obviously a beautiful woman (as all are)! She also reappears in Galaxy of Adventures (below).


6. Shmi Skywalker (Phantom Menace) — — — — — — — — — — -Difficulty:1.9

Lets face it, the mother of the greatest and easily the most important Jedi is not a very challenging or exciting Cosplay. Most women are eager to imitate or find someone whose persona they can imbibe — the mother of Vader doesn’t really stand out. However, I argue here that (1) she is not that old — I don’t know the age of her character but you can look that up — and (2) she is the only female character I am aware of who smiles in the film. Albeit her smile is a little thin but that is only because of her worrying care for her son. Yet, despite the harsh Tatooine sands she still believes “the problem with the galaxy is nobody helps each other.” Thus, I believe, making her a very worthy character to take imitate — besides no one said you can’t ‘youth-a-nize’ her a little bit and simply make her character as you think she might have looked when she was still young! Not much is known about her character except she was sold into slavery and had a son via the force — so for those who are so inclined and daring enough to try there are definitely virgin birth vibes here and maybe some where in this galaxy of ours someone (or an expecting couple — wink wink) might actually get excited about the idea of tackling a young pregnant Shmi Skywalker who may or may not have met the future Emperor of the galaxy!


7. Rose Tico (The Last Jedi) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 3

Well it looks like all the half naked women are behind us (or above us) as we scroll on. We just covered an instrumental character from Episode I but now we jump forward a few decades to the Last Jedi and check in on one of my favorite characters, Rose Tico. Played by Kelly Marie Tran, this character had a lot of negative response, though I don’t know why, after the Last Jedi and maybe (though no fault of her own) even more negative backlash after the Rise of Skywalker. She was thrown to the side like a bad pair of power couplings! But women everywhere really seem to like Rose Tico — I mean she has a mechanics uniform and a lot of grit so that is pretty cool! She had a pretty major role in the Last Jedi with her involvement with Finn but her arc never seemed to extend as far as fans would have liked with Episode IX. But just like her character, her Cosplay uniform is not very complicated — with a few cool accessories and a brown tanner’s jump suit you now have the opportunity to walk in Rose Tico’s shoes…or boots… I don’t really remember what she wore for those. O well, moving on.


8. Captain Phasma (The Force Awakens) — — — — — — — — —— Difficulty: 8

Maybe you are a super fan and agree with the fans who say they really didn’t do a good job with Captain Phasma — but who cares! You can steal any show (helmet on or off) by tackling the immense challenge of recreating and assembling her shiny armor suit, iconic spear, and bad-ass cape. She is definitely not a place for a beginner but the effort definitely pays off as there are to date ONE and ONLY ONE female storm trooper in canon (at least that I am aware of). If there are more there is no way they could be cooler than Captain Phasma (or as cool as she could have been — depending on how you see her character development). I thought it was cool but hey that’s me.


9. Carasynthia (Cara) Dune (The Mandalorian) — — — — — — —Difficulty: 7

I am extremely biased for #9 Cara Dune from the Mandalorian. Her character and the actress who played her (Gina Carano) are so well written and casted it blows the pants off the category: women in live-action, its not even funny. In fact, I don’t think most people think that what happened to this character is funny. Maybe it is fitting for any character originating from Alderaan (the tattoo on her cheek is called ‘the tear of Alderaan’ and many Alderaan survivors got it after the planet was destroyed by the Death Star in 0 BBY). But that only adds to depth and weight of the Cosplay — anyone can attempt this character with great results (and one that might turn a few heads to boot)! I mean she was a Shock Trooper for goodness sake (and not a mandalorian as I originally thought). That means she used to fight for the bad buys and used to look and dress like a clone trooper! Talk about a crazy character backstory — and she kicks ass — no one can deny that. These are only two pictures of her in character but you can find many many more for inspiration and costume design.


10. Koska Reeves (The Mandalorian) — — — — — — — — —— -Difficulty: 7.5

#10 is another baddie, Koska Reeves also from the Mandalorian. Koska unlike Cara Dune, IS a mandalorian FROM Mandalore (yah I don’t really know the extent of what that means yet either but IT IS A BIG DEAL, lol)! Anyway, her character dressed in female mandalorian (or beskar) armor as she flys with clan Nite Owls (so cool! see Bo Katan), she not only looks cool but kicks some serious butt in the tv series — heck she even went toe to toe with a resurrected Boba Fett without flinching! She got some pretty good shots in too before Bo-Katan stepped in to stop the brawl. A moderately challenging recreation but whether you resemble her, love her character, or just love the strong female role, Koska Reeves is a really cool character to consider for a Comicon or just Cosplay fun!


11. Fennec Shand (The Mandalorian) — — — — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 2

Oookay, seriously, what is up with lead female characters not smiling? Is it just me? Is it just Star Wars where women have to fight to survive and have no time or patience to smile, or has Hollywood tainted a woman who smiles with someone who is either uneducated or lacks depth? I don’t know but now I am curious to see how often woman smile in other films. Anyway, #11 Fennec Shand, Boba Fett’s new flame. Okay no, she is not just that, but she IS one of the coolest new additions to Star Wars and Ming-Na Wen (the woman who plays her) is just about the coolest lady on the planet — she smiles ALOT!!! Seriously, watch the interviews she has with Temuera Morrison (Boba Fett) and she is laughing and smiling the whole time. Okay okay my rant is done…. EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING about this character is so cool from her flight helmet to her weapons and dark color scheme with robes in orange patterned accents and bad-ass gauntlets, Fennec Shand is a fairly simply Cosplay (her outfit is literally purchasable on SimCosplay.com for about $160 + shipping!) So there ya go. If you got a job and an address, giddy up!

12. Aurra Sing (Phantom Menace / Clone Wars) — — — — — — -Difficulty: 8.5

You will notice I didn’t use the actual stock photo of Aurra Sing from the Phantom Menace (she was indeed present during the podracing scenes shown with a rifle overlooking the race — she was there to shoot down a new podracer which ironically never finished the race — but that is another story handled off-screen). I selected this photo because here in a Clone Wars episode she reminded me a little of Angelina Jolie. Why is that significant? It isn’t at all (lol). BUT, her character is so bad-ass it wouldn’t be surprising to see Angelina Jolie play her (that would never happen). A tight revealing orange suit with a variety of blasters and even lightsabers (as she is known for killing Jedi and collecting their blades!) with a shiny dome, white skin, and a long pony tail that sticks straight up and spreads out behind her nearly covering her long rifles and cool belt accessories, Aurran Sing is definitely a memorable character and maybe your next (or first) Cosplay!

13. Shak Ti (Episode III deleted scene) — — — — — — — — —— -Difficulty: 4

You don’t have to be a Star Wars fanatic to enjoy this next character, but it sure helps. You probably aren’t familiar with the Togruta species. Well actually you are if you know who Ahsoka Tona because that is what her species is called. Shak Ti is lesser known than Ahsoka (she doesn’t have her own series, yet) but in the Star Wars fandom many people enjoy this character for one simple reason, she dies, ALOT! How? Well there is no official canonizationof her death (as the scene below is a deleted scene from the Revenge of the Sith) but thst isn’t the only time she is seen dying. There is another scene where Anakin Skywalker comes up behind her while she is meditating and… well anyway she dies, ALOT! And ironically she also dies in a very similar and unalarming manner making it a little comical hence why she is so popular with fans. As far as cosplay is concerned, she is incredibly cool to look at and her make up is very unique. And did I mention she is a Jedi? That means lightsaber! Her headwear might be costly or difficult to obtain but other than that, makeup, robes, and a saber are her ensemble. Some people have taken some pretty ethnic and provocative takes on her cosplay so be warned or someone come up behind you while you are not expecting if you know what I mean! Hehe, moving on.


14. Aayala Secura (Revenge of the Sith) — — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 3.5

The next female is also a Jedi from Revenge of the Sith and a personal favorite. While still less clothes than most of the other women in Star Wars — yep, you guessed it, she is a Twi’lek (ironic that Bib Fortuna is fat and gross while the women are nearly nude and stunning) — Aayala Secura’s simple costume makes her an excellent Cosplay if you are into that sort of thing. I mean., why wouldn’t you since you made it this far, right? Oh God I hope that is why. Anyway, blue bladed lightsaber, blue skin, leather top and leather bottoms with midriff showing and the typical twi lekku wrapped in leather this costume is easily repeatable and perhaps a favorite costume to take on. If you are wondering, yes she dies too, but she actually made it on screen unlike Shak Ti.


15. Qi’ra (Solo: A Star Wars Story) — — — — — — — — — — — - — Difficulty: 5

Nope you didn’t accidentally click on a Game of Thrones link, that is Emilia Clarke, and yes she is forever now in the Star Wars Universe — and in a pretty big way too. Supposedly, Lucas Film has some big plans for her character. In case you missed it, she starred alongside Alden Ehrenreich in Solo: A Star Wars Story playing Qi-ra, Han Solo’s early love interest and primary catalyst for the movie’s plot. She gets separated from Han early in the film and somehow ends up working for a large criminal underworld organization called the Crimson Dawn (a group growing more and more in prominence in Star Wars literature these days). At the end of the movie — SPOILER ALERT — she even has direct communication with Darth Maul and told by him that she will start to have a greater role alongside the ill-weathered sith lord! This Cosplay is less “Star Wars-ee” and a little more elegant as she has a variety of costumes for you to check out. Seriously, check her out. You already did? Woo-hoo!


16. Iden Versio (Battlefront II) — — — — — — — — — — — — —-Difficulty: 4.7

Of all this list, this one is perhaps my favorite — maybe it’s because of the actress who ‘plays’ her. If you are a female and into Cosplay there is a good chance you’ve never played Star Wars: Battlefront II (I could be wrong). That is a shame but not a problem — if you are into Star Wars and Star Wars Cosplay you can watch all of her cut scenes from the game, they play just like a movie! Her video game character is compelling. Ah, maybe that is it — her character is an Imperial Trooper stationed on the moon of Endor as the Second Death Star blows up. That is why she is so cool! She literally watches it blow up from below. Anything from the Imperial perspective makes for an interesting drama. Chaos ensues and the Imperials have no idea what to do. Some call to re-gather their forces and others make contact with the rebels and change sides! Iden Versio changes sides. But its obviously not that simple. Her father is a high ranking Imperial Officer who commands a huge star destroyer. This is the drama of her character since she is torn between her loyalty to the Empire, her father, and her own convictions. She was there with her father at the battle of Jakku when he received orders (from the deceased emperor) to fire upon their own troops and wipe out the entire fleet (which was not worthy to survive without the Emperor — it was one of his contingencies). Anyway here she leaves her father and eventually makes contact with Leia Organa and spends the rest of her life fighting for the New Republic. But its obviously not that simple. Check her out she is a really cool character and another bad-ass female!


17. Satele Shan / Bastila Shan (Knights of the Old Republic) — — Difficulty: 4.6

The next entry is actually two but very much related. They both come from the Old Republic era (set 1000 years before Chewbacca and the Ewoks) and both star in their own respective video game. Satele Shan (The Old Republic, 2012) is Bastila Shan’s (Knights of the Old Republic, 2003.) daughter. I posted their video game representations (below) but really check out the cosplay photo shoots, so many people have done amazing interpretations on their character and they are female Jedi and have a significant place in Star Wars history. A quick blurb about Bastila since she was first, she was at one time married to Revan (canon) the dark lord of the sith, and for those who played the original 2003 release game they know her importance is not small. Bastila Shan has a recognizable wardrobe and she really might be the most bad-ass female Jedi of all time. If she ever makes it to the big screen (which is not impossible) her character would be insane! For now the Cosplay world relies on women like you to take on that challenge! I dare you to read more about her character and not fall in love. I’m not too keen on Satele Shan, but maybe that is because I met her mother first. You might be different. Both are amazing and YES BOTH HAVE DOUBLE-BLADED LIGHTSABERS!

18. Barris Offee (Clone Wars: Animated Series) — — — — — — — Difficulty: 4

For # 18 I posted the live-action character played by Nalini Krishan, but (no offense to Nalini) you NEED to check out the Clone Wars: Animated Series version of Barris Offee. Seriously, I’m not kidding. I can’t even give you any spoiler alerts for her character because it is too good to ruin. Suffice it to say you won’t be disappointed (trust me). Her character (I’m getting flustered just describing her) is a Mirialan (species) Jedi Knight with green-yellow skin bright blue eyes and black diamonds across her face making her with her dark lips and dark aura and dark robes a compelling character and an amazing Cosplay. She also wields a blue lightsaber, well most of the time, haha. She is not the only Mirialan though. There is another! Luminara Unduli — you can google her appearance but apparently the Mirialan vary in facial tattoos making their species an exciting Cosplay to explore and get creative with.


19. Depa Billaba (Phantom Menace) — — — — — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 3

It’s difficult to capture the whole character with only one picture. A Chalactan-human female and Jedi Master, Depa Billaba is such a unique character in Star Wars and embodies the quality trait of insight. According to extraneous literature, she was rescued from pirates by Mace Windu when she was only 6 months old and later became a Jedi ascending to the rank of Master and even sitting on the Jedi Council for the entire prequel trilogy. I didn’t use any of her movie pictures since otherwise it might be difficult to see her full costume but this (new) picture from The Bad Batch does sort of capture her essence. BUT it doesn’t capture her ethnicity. In the Phantom Menace, she was played by a female indian actress named Dipika O’Neil Joti. Besides Ayesha Dharker (Queen Jamillia), she is the only big role indian actress in the series. If there are more I apologize and I would love to know them.


20. Zam Wesell (Attack of the Clones) — — —— — — — — —— Difficulty: 5.1

You probably have seen this character but might not recognize her. That is because she is a Clawdite and ‘changeling’ (shapeshifter)! She was the bounty hunter… oh you have never seen Attack of the Clones, don’t worry many people are trying to forget they have. Anyway, she was the bounty hunter Jango… okay, I know I know, but Star Wars has a lot of information in it and yes it gets really confusing and unless you are connected it is really hard to get interested in a character. She was hired to assassinate Princess Amidala in the second movie but gets shot by a dart by a shadowy figure when she gets caught and then turns back into a really ugly alien. Phew, thats it. Anyway, you don’t need to really tell people you have no idea who she is but she is a female and she looks pretty cool. Faded purple leather jacket, leather boots, black helmet, fancy pistol, bad-ass gloves, and some pretty unique accessories and flare this beauty is not as difficult to recreate as remembering what movie she comes from might be. You could always go the other route and add her original alien face, that would definitely be unique.


21. Sheltay Retrac (Revenge of the Sith) — — — — — — — —— Difficulty: 2.8

If you recognize or know the name of this character than congrats, you might just a droid. She makes a late appearance in Episode III: the Revenge of the Sith walking together with Bail Organa after all the Jedi have been assassinated and the search for any remaining Jedi ensues. Blink and you will miss her. Now that you have seen her you may never stop looking for her. She is stunning and I dare say if you went to a Comicon event dressed up like her people might think you were a bride-to-be. No one at the convention would recognize you even after you told them! She was an Alderaanian aristocrat. Basically a wealthy woman from Alderaan who took interest (because of her families wealth) in Republic politics, hence her connection to the Senator. In a simple yet elegant and stunning off white dress and tiara and a becoming cape, this modestly yet beautiful attire is set to turn heads. But most people will you think you are the Queen from Naboo (i.e. Padme Amidala, see the top #2 for reference — this costume was based on Warren Fu’s design for Padme so it wouldn’t be surprising. Check out her art work for more inspiration as others have done amazing work with this Cosplay.


22. Sly Moore (Revenge of the Sith) — — — — — — — — — —— -Difficulty: 6

Bald is beautiful. It may not get any more intimidating than Sly Moore! A quick note: I used a picture that makes her look more sad than intimidating for a good reason. She was an Umbaran alien — also nicknamed Shadowpeople since they could see in the ultraviolet range and lived on a very dark planet. It isn’t surprising then that she stood on the Emporer’s left side as he announced the fall of the Republic and the reorganization of “a new Galactic Empire.” It was thought that Umbaran’s could control people’s minds. I post a sad picture here because I think she knew about the Emporer’s corruption and was too steeped in the dark side to do anything about it. If you first saw her ‘scary-face’ you might disagree. Anyway that is the cool thing about Cosplay. Her pale blue skin and grey shadows with beaming yellow eyes and voluminously grey wardrobes this dark shadowy character is an amazing Cosplay, maybe one of the best. Oh, in legends she may have at one time been ‘romantically’ involved with Emperor Palpetine in his quest to make an heir and an apprentice for his evil bidding. Not sure how that might go…. probably an unseemly amount of test-tubes with little to no touching. Anyway, going on to #23.


23. Nightsister Merrin (Fallen Order — video game) — — — — — Difficulty: 5

I am pretty sure the picture of Nightsister Merrin (below) is a Cosplay and not the Fallen Order video game, but really I am not sure. That is a good thing! It means both Cosplay and video games are getting better and better each year! This character hails from the Planet Dathomir (same as Darth Maul) and in the game has a bitter but misguided hostility toward the Jedi that eventually washes away and (SPOILER-ALERT) she joins our heroes in their quest to stop the empire from finding the children of the force (that is a mouthful!). Suffice it to say she is extremely popular. The game was a huge success and she is a huge reason why. I wont try to explain her redemption arc but go search her cut scenes online, you won’t be disappointed (trust me!). The most difficult aspect about her costume might be her makeup but her outfit isn’t too hard to find online pre-assembled. Did I mention she can wield a lightsaber? Haha, moving on.


24. Sabe (Phantom Menace) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 6.5

Haha, okay that is not a picture of Sabe, the handmaiden of Queen Amidala. It is actually a picture of the Queen who replaced Princess Amidala in Episode III, Queen Jamillia. I mentioned her before with Depa Billaba and talked about her ethnic significance in the larger Star Wars universe for Indian woman. Sabe is not Indian and this entry doesn’t have much to do with ethnicity as it does makeup. Really these three characters could be listed along with Padme Amidala (see top #2) but from a certain point of view (namely her own) Padme wasn’t really too keen on being queen. Ha, what a line! That being said, the queens makeup with white foundation and dark shadowy eyeliner and two red dots and distinct red lips and insanely complicated head pieces, #24 really should be called “The Queen of Naboo.” It doesn’t matter what ethnicity you are when you are dressing as a queen with this kind of make up. I would venture to say it isn’t a Cosplay you could do on your own, but again I could be wrong about that too.


25. The Armorer/Den Mother (the Mandalorian) — — — — —— Difficulty: 7

Nearly halfway there! Tired yet? Come on! Not far, soon you will be [at the end]. Hehe. Next up is another Mandalorian and yes that is a women! And she is one bad-ass. I said IS ONE bad-ass… nevermind.


Don’t believe me? Well this is the woman who played “the Armorer/Den Mother” in the new hit series the Mandalorian streaming exclusively on Disney+ (again, not sponsored), Emily Swallow.


Seriously, she wore all that and looks like that! Almost anything is possible in the Star Wars universe, I guess. The first picture above is not a live action shot since most of her appearances had extremely low and dark lighting but they are very intense! Because she has a very complicated armor suit the difficulty for this Cosplay goes up significantly but well worth the payoff since like the late Stan Lee said about Spiderman, “the great thing about [him] is he wears a mask and it doesn’t matter what he looks like underneath… he could be anybody.” So if you are willing to spend a little more money (maybe not too much since there are some cheap yet decent remakes available out there) or take a little time to acquire each piece anyone can Cosplay as the Armorer, one bad-ass lady but remember: “When one chooses to walk the way of the Mandalore, you are both hunter and prey.”

26. Maraj Scintel (Clone Wars: Animated Series) — — — — — — Difficulty: 6.7

Okay these woman are getting intimidating! I am not exactly sure how you dress up like a cat but its not impossible. I only say that because this is one character I have not seen duplicated yet. Her name is Maraj Scintel and is a Zygerrian queen and a no-good slave trader. She carries a whip sometimes and her character is not afraid to get her hands dirty — or at least someone else hands. Check out her appearances in the Clone Wars for more resources and maybe you will be one of the first to try and capture this cat.


27. Jan Ors (Dark Forces, 1995) — — — — — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 2.9

Next up, not a comic book entry (not yet), Jan Ors from an old Star Wars computer game called Star Wars: Dark Forces. You might have wondered where some of the back stories for all these characters came from well during the late 80’s and early 90’s fans began to hash out the details George Lucas never added and began to systemize all the wealth of information fans today have easy access to. Not only that but a ton of literature was written during this time and that includes the backstories for a computer game released in 1995. They didn’t call them PC games since their really wasn’t many other competing systems, they just called them computer games. Picture below is an excerpt from a comic series staring Kyle Katarn — the man who originally stole the death star plans. Yes, just like Shak Ti’s death, this prolific event apparently happened more than once, although Kyle’s story was obliterated after Disney bought the rights to Lucasfilm and released Rogue One. Well Jan Ors was also from Alderaan and she was an intelligence operative and created to be a supportive character for the main protagnist, Kyle Katarn (a character in his own rights, but hey this is about women!). Anyway, in my oppinion, some of the dialogue spoken to or about Jan is sometimes flagrantly degrading (try maybe Saturday Night Live’s, “Jane you ignorant slut” for reference) but her character is far from weak. It is actually rather compelling. Both her and Kyle’s love interest (as seen in the picture below) is ok but their adventures together are rather believable in the Star Wars universe (if that makes any sense). In one instance working for the rebels her legs gets injured and infected so they need to stop and acquire the necessary medical supplies. Apparently the infection drove Jan to a delirious state. She was later found attempting to replace the gravity disks aboard their spaceship. Anyway that was just one exciting thing that happened to Jan, her ‘legendary’ career is quite prolific. None of that matters now since none of it is canon but after her 1995 computer game debut, she later appeared in three novels (Jedi Knight: Soldiers for the Empire, Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, and Dark Forces: Jedi Knight) and a few other video games. She was last scene in the comic series Star Wars Tales 21, 2004 (picture below alongside Kyle Katarn).


This is what she originally looked like in the video game! Her outfit is pretty awesome!

She has come along way and for this entry I wanted to show the evolution of characters by the perceptiveness and creativity of fans/artists who attempt to capture a Star War’s character’s true essence. Not an easy thing to do! I also had to add a picture of someone in Cosplay smiling! NOTE: I do not own the rights to these pictures nor am familiar with anything or anybody in them. Nonetheless each of their original sources have been posted for copyright purposes and your inspiration and a starting point for something you might do in the future. See she is smiling! Maybe it’s because she just killed a Wookie, I don’t know.


Anyway, she is no longer canon but still holds a place in the hearts of many fans and maybe one day she will return in something new. Until then her legend lives on!

28. Queen Apailana (Revenge of the Sith) — — — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 6

Surprise surprise another Queen from Naboo! Why bother making a new entry and not just add her to #24 with ‘Sabe.’? Well her particular costume is rather unique and her white makeup and facial structure most resemble something akin to the chinese dynasty. Later growing up to play Obara Sand in Game of Thrones, Keisha Castle-Hughes played this queen at the age of 15. The macabre style and age sort of fits in keeping with the chinese theme even though she is from New Zealand (though her mom is Maori or polynesian). Anyway, unless you plan to dress up a daughter, it isn’t hard to apply the same makeup and dress to any age of style. Again, I know she isn’t Asian but this Cosplay might lend to an Asian theme. Okay no more queens. I swear.

29. Mara Jade (Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire, 1991) — -Difficulty: 4–5.1

Some of you might have been wondering when or if Mara Jade was going to make an appearance. I stand with you all. Up until this day, Mara Jade hasn’t even been on the table for discussion. The fans seem to love her but apart from Timothy Zahn, no executive seems to like her or know where she fits. Pictured below is the OG Mara Jade, Shannon McRandle, and everyone must give her due credit. She has a facebook page called “Shannon McRandle IS Mara Jade” and that she is. After the Heir to the Empire released in 1991 fans only knew Mara in their own imaginations. It wasn’t until a board and card game company called Decipher released her depiction in 1999 that fans finally got to see what Mara Jade might actually look like. That image stuck and its posted below. Actually Shannon needs your help right now since she is in a very real fight against cancer. You can find her go-fund me here: https://www.gofundme.com/ascancer-recovery-treatment

May the 4th be with you Shannon!

But it’s also true that Mara Jade capture fan’s imaginations long before anyone saw what she looked like in 1999 thanks to Decipher and the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. And that is what makes Cosplay so exciting and fun. There are a variety of interpretations within a given set of known characteristics. No can replace Shannon! No one should, but it makes her character one fans have flocked to imitate. Check them out:


30. Trilla Seduri/the Second Sister (Fallen Order)— — — — — Difficulty: 3.94

Phew! Sick of women yet? All those Mara Jade Cosplays were just to show the variations and interpretations of a character. What did you notice they all had in common? Where did they differ? But onto #30, Trilla Seduri a high ranking member of Vader’s inquisitors as seen in the 2019 video game Fallen Order. Her character arc is so cool. Once a jedi but (in her mind) failed and betrayed by her master she succumbs to the dark side after the fall of the republic by torture. Her life from then on only increased in pain. SPOILER ALERT — at the climax of the game she gets face to face with her old Jedi master and nearly is brought back to the light though not without great pain and difficulty — the dark side has radically corrupted her emotions. But just as she seems to turn, Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith jumps down from his high ground and ignites his infamous red blade. Trembling and greatly distressed she cries out to her old master, “Avenge us,” and that is it for the beloved character.


Above is a more clear depiction of her complete outfit although she does have a very unique helmet. She is another (growing) fan favorite. Hopefully I didn’t spoil her rollercoaster arc for you.

31. Tonnika Sisters (A New Hope) — — — — — — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 5

“You will never find a more a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” I don’t Obi Wan knew the Tonnika sisters were going to be in the Cantina that day on Tatooine. Or perhaps he did, they were notorious Double Agents. It is difficult to get a gist of what these two looked like from the movie — the kenner action figures seem to do a better job. But, you will never find an identical set of twin who look nothing like each other, I think. NEVERTHELESS, these characters actually are a hot Cosplay/Comicon item and have been since the first movie came out. On a side note, if you ever wonder exactly what Han Solo meant when he told Chewbacca, “I’m sure he has forgotten about that,” he was referring to introducing his gambler friend to these two women. Of course, in legends, Lando didn’t know there were two of them and the sisters used that to their advantage to blindside the poor sabaac player. Now you know!

32. L3–37 (Solo: A Star Wars Story) — — — — — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 8

Haha no gimmics here Cosplay is not merely for scantily dressed twi leks or an excuse to your clothes off, sometimes you just got to put your mind on! Star Wars is about droids too! L3–37 is Lando’s droid from Solo: A Star Wars Story and not merely comic relief although she does that excellently. She actually adds heart to the movie especially at the end where she is gunned down and has her crew upload her ‘brain’ into the Millenium Falcon’s computer system thus ending her own life (for a droid) but also saving the crew and explaining why the Falcon “has the most peculiar dialect,” according to C-3P0 (the Empire Strikes Back).


33. HK-47 (Knights of the Old Republic, 2003) — — — — — — — Difficulty: 10

L3–37 was not the first back-talking sassy droid in the Star Wars universe, not by a long shot. I only recently found out this droid is female. Who knew. Anyway, HK-47 stole fans heart (probably because she held them up at blaster point) when Knights of the Old Republic — video game — released in 2003. Her signature insult was to call humanoids, “MEATBAG!” She loved that insult and if you think about it to a droid the term makes a lot of sense. I bet it will start to make a comeback. She used it right before she killed you…. If you played the game and tried to dialogue with her that probably happened a lot. But she also threw it around in casual conversations and eventually became a term of endearment. Any, this one is for the droids!


34. Beru Lars (A New Hope, Revenge of the Sith, Kenobi) — —— -Difficulty: 2.1

We are going back through hyperspace and back to A New Hope for #34 and you cannot tell me that she is not awesome. Did you know her middle name is Whitesun? I didn’t until I just stumbled across it as I was looking her actress name (Shelagh Fraser) up (lol). I just realized something else too! In the original novelization of A New Hope it was revealed that Owen Lars (her husband) was actually Obi-Wan Kenobi’s brother. Don’t believe me? Don’t care, lol? Anyway they can simply ‘fix’ that by having Obi-Wan take on that persona during his stay on Tatooine as he lays low until one day “a new hope can rise.” That was it. Back to Beru. Oh and to reiterate the point Cosplay isn’t just for young or youths but all ages. Besides, doesn’t Beru look like she might be a sith lord in that picture?


But they also cast a young Beru Lars for the Revenge of the Sith and are using the same actress in Kenobi series streaming exclusively on Disney+ (seriously, not sponsored) as of Friday, May 29th, 2022 where the first two episodes are set to be released. Thanks Ewan for the announcement!

35. Juno Eclipse (The Force UNleashed — video game) — —— Difficulty: 1.6

Another female Imperial trained officer who turned to join the rebel alliance. During her time undercover she was assigned to Darth Vader’s secret apprentice, Starkiller. Did you know Starkiller was actually the original name for Star Wars? Yep, Lucas originally named it The Adventures of Starkiller as taken from the Journel of the Whills, Saga I: Star Wars.

Here she is again in the game in a less than flattering picture. I had to add it just to perk your curiosity as to why she is now a beloved Cosplay character.

36. Torryn Farr / Lt. Connix (The Empire Strikes Back / The Last Jedi) — — — —Difficulty: 2

The picture was taken from the movie and that is all you will see of this Tech Comm officer during the battle of Hoth. She was responsible for the coordination and evacuation of ships. Not a flashy job but someone has to do it. But as far as Cosplay is concerned that job might be even easier than the one she had in the movie. Sporting a fashionable hoth jumpsuit and overcoat with headphones with tauntaun leather boots, put your hair in a single bun in the back and call a medium transport because you are ready to hit a night on the town as you flee the Dark Lord’s relentless attacks on your secret hidden base. But hey you aren’t complaining, it was too cold and someone always seem to leave the shield doors open for too long.


Oh and here is Lt. Connix for you too. She plays a very similar role for the Resistance in the Last Jedi and another fun fact, this Lt. was played by Carrie Fisher’s actual daughter. Neat! And she nailed it! Whatever she was doing.


37. Guri (Shadows of the Empire-video game) — -— — —— -Difficulty: 3–6.8

It’s amazing how a character can appear in a video game and then live on as a live action character. Guri has yet to make a live-action appearance but I it might be sooner than you think. She is already a hot Cosplay replica (no pun intended). Guri is a ‘Human-replica droid.’ An exspensive one at that. There really is no need to go further than that other than she is a bad-ass assassin who works for a Prince (crime lord) as an agent in the Black Sun crime syndicate. She has many outfits and most you would expect to see for a Cosplay. Ok here are some examples but only because they are CRAZY! I won’t even post the art because it gets even wilder! Yeesh!


Here is Monica Tulay simple yet amazing recreation. It wouldn’t be hard to imagine her in a Star Wars film.


38. Terisa Kerrill (Squadrons — video game) — — — — — —— -Difficulty: 2.6

If you were wondering where all the female villains are they are coming. You won’t be disappointed trust me. Next up, she is about as Imperial as you can get. Maybe the actress who plays an unidentified comms officer on Moff Gideon’s ship in the Mandalorian would be a close second (she doesn’t have a name so she didn’t make the list, yet). This lady is pretty bad-ass for an Imperial (hehe). Her story is pretty simple, an orphan taken in by the Empire and becomes a radical loyal and dutiful officer killing rebels wherever and whenever she can. It’s her life mission and she is proud of it. A little styling for the hair and straight imperial uniform with Captain insignia and her own

39. Vernestra Rwoh / Avar Kriss / Orla Jereni / etc… (The High Republic) — — Difficulty: 3.5–4.6

Before we start kicking some serious Rebel scum tail and mention all the bad bad baddies lets go forward (or backwards) to the era of the High Republic, Lucasfilm’s newest releases in the Star Wars Galaxy. I won’t spend too much time here but there is a lot of new content put out almost daily at www.StarWars.com (not sponsored). These are the official artwork for the High Republic.

Vernestra Rwoh


Avar Kriss


Orla Jereni (left) and Cohmac Vitus


40. Cere Junda (Fallen Order — video game) — — — — — — — — -Difficulty: 4

Back to Fallen Order for #40, Cere Junda. Remember Trilla Seduri (#30)? Well Cere was her master. She escaped while her padawan didn’t. She is forced to live with that guilt know today as survivor’s guilt. Subsequently she never picks up a lightsaber goes into hiding and takes her shots when she can. It isn’t until the end that perhaps she finds redemption where she actually fights (its not really a fight) Darth Vader after she watches her former padawan struck down by the sith lord. But she is a black female in Star Wars and there is some really cool art as to what she might have looked like as a younger jedi (Beyonce anyone… no… just me?).


41. Mari Kosan (Fallen Order-video game) — — — — — — — —— Difficulty: 6

Okay, you have to admit, if you have made it this far and are still waiting for the bad bad baddies then you might not really be interested in Cosplay — unless you saved the link for research! There is some serious turf to cover here! Next up the Asians strike it big with Mari Kosan, voiced by actress Sumalee Montano. She has actually voiced other characters (Star Wars Resistance) in the Universe so that is no small feat. No jokes here. In the game Mari is dressed in unique guerilla garb (from Saw Gerrera no doubt), has a heart for wookies, and likes to draw maps. Her outfit is almost as cool as her kick-ass vibes and she has some cool accessories and a droid to boot!


43. Satine Kryze (Clone Wars: Animated Series) — — — — — —-Difficulty: 5

This one is not easy because its back to a different kind of baddie, an elegant noble woman who stands for honor and her man. That man happened to be Obi-Wan Kenobi and that woman, Satin Kryze who was also the sister of Bo-Katan (see top #8). She dutifully and with honor stood up for her home and resisted the onslaught of her adversaries. You need to know that Darth Maul killed her in front of Obi-Wan Kenobi to taunt the Jedi Knight. Its difficult to say how much her loss affected him. There is so much to cover in the new series it might be difficult to capture it all but I’m guessing whatever they did, it will be awesome. Anyway, here is gentle and strong leader of Mandalore, Satin Kryze, love interest of Obi-Wan, and mother of Corky. Her outfits and jewelry are wild!


44. Xian (The Mandalorian) — — — — — — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 5.89

Who is to say that all twi lek females don’t wear clothes? Some even smile. Of course some smile for a different reason and some might wear your ass for a hat. Xian, a twi from the Mandalorian, she is not someone you want to fool around with. Apparently, back in the day, Mando did! Uh-oh! Not much else to say except she is crazy, has a temperamental brother who can’t seem to stay out of prison, and likes masked men. She is a purple twi lek with a leather helmet securing her lekku in place and pretty plain clothes. Did I mention she is smiling?

45. Tahiri Veila (Nancy Richardson’s Junior Jedi Knights series) — Difficulty: 4

And now, sporting a blue lightsaber, green jumpsuit, and autumn sunrise blonde hair, Tahiri Veila from Nancy Richardson’s series Junior Jedi Knights. And oh if you are thinking, “Aww we left the bad girls already?” Nope, this baddie definitely went bad bad baddie and joined (reluctantly) the dark side and became a sith lord! Not your grandma’s easter sunrise bedtime story — in fact this girls story is crazy. Orphan trained Jedi befriends a famous Jedi but is captured by radical enemy forces who abduct her and shape her mind (straight Borg type of behavior). She then escapes and becomes vital to killing her abductors gaining information only she can obtain but then her famous Jedi boyfriend dies and she gets mixed up in a bad crowd. She joins the dark side but that scoop of ice cream doesn’t work for her either so she renounces it all and goes-a-bounty hunting as one does. That too doesn’t last as she gets into trouble and has to flee back to Leia and Han Solo to save her. That too is short lived and etc…. Needless to say she wears a lot of hats — or outfits! She is definitely not canon…but she used to be?

46. Bana Bremu (Revenge of the Sith — deleted scene) —— — -Difficulty: 4.4

The Asians are back! Haha. No she didn’t make the list because she is Asian but because she is an obscure but desirable Cosplay persona for anyone to attempt. Its also noteworthy that she posed for an issue of playboy and her scene (with dialogue) was cut from the movie. Those two things are unrelated. What is cool is she was in charge of the Humbarine sector before the Galactic Senate and her Maid Merriam (Robin Hood) vail and purple dress are easily obtainable and repeatable for a memorable Cosplay. You might not make it on the cover of any magazine but if you don’t that would be a shame!


47. Breha Organa (Revenge of the Sith) — — — —— — — — -Difficulty: 3.81

Wife of Senator Bail Orana and caretakers of the newly born twin Leia Skywalker, were back into the classy queen category for female Star Wars characters but her makeup isn’t as noticeable as other queens (see Sabe and Jamillia). This classy lady is from Alderaan and sports a wild hair styling and simple but elegant blue vail and dress. Her neatly parted hair and lightly applied lip gloss make her a stunning Cosplay for anyone.


48. Omega (The Bad Batch — animated series) — — — — — — Difficulty: 3–6.1

I really thought about excluding this one from the list. But perhaps you are a Star Wars family or (as I said earlier for my original intent) you might apply some creativity and change the character’s age a bit. Her outfit and headpiece are pretty simple to recreate so you might have to watch the show to see what she would look like as she ages (she is Boba Fett’s sister so that is something) and who knows, maybe they plan to have her grow up with Baby Yoda — what gender is Baby Yoda?


49. Stass Allie (Attack of the Clones) — — — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 3.91

Next up, a Jedi! Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu were not the only ones ya know! This next character has High Republic vibes. To my knowledge there aren’t many Thelothian females in canon. She also appeared in the Revenge of the Sith — she was the Jedi who was riding on the speeder bike when the order was given to eliminate all the Jedi. What is amazing about her character is she has a green bladed lightsaber, an elegant and unique headdress and simple Jedi robes with strong brown leather utility belt. Next up is her cousin!


50. Adi Gallia (The Phantom Menace / Clone Wars: Animated Series) — — —Difficulty: 3.9

Nope, you might be exhausted for reading through 50 Different Females… but this is not a glitch in the matrix, it’s Adi Gallia cousin to Stass Allie (#49). Here is what www.StarWars.com has to say about her: “Stern and focused, she would remark upon the more outrageous tactics carried out by Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi in the course of the war, but would rarely condemn their effective actions. Though not as brash as Anakin, Adi Gallia was known to be an aggressive warrior who had no problem bringing the fight to the enemy.” Turns out there are two Thelothian females in the SWU.


51. Jocasta Nu (Attack of the Clones) — — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 4.948

What happens at the Library stays at the Library, gets catalogued and itemized before keeping at a safe and moderate temperature. That’s what Jocasta Nu might say taking #51 on this list. I was going to place her much much higher simply to prove that Cosplay is something for everybody at any age. But I wanted to save the best for last. No she isn’t another one of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s love interests, that would be epic, but she is a healing presence in the Attack of the Clones and has either a heart for wayward Jedi or had a flame for Count Dooku at one time. Not all Jedi wield a lightsaber! Amen!


Okay before we finish the list with all the rest of the bad bad baddies I wanted you to see Jocasta Nu from the back. Her costume is rather stunning and elegant and instead of carrying a lightsaber you could wield a sacred Jedi text, that is if Yoda hasn’t burned them all! “See through you I do!”


52. Maris Brood (The Force Unleashed — novel) — — — — —— — Difficulty: 6

Okay hide your sons and your baby yodas, here come the bad bad baddies and off come the clothes! WHY! The females to finish this list are not for the faint of heart (or the flabby of skin)! Okay seriously as far as bad baddies go, this chick is a bad-ass. Maris Brood (#52) is a female Zabrak (what Darth Maul is) and was originally apart of the Jedi order. When it fell in 19 BBY she ran and hid with her master SHAK TI! Uh-oh this can’t end well! It definitely doesn’t. Shak Ti takes the young Maris and hides on funky mushroom planet — the living conditions are bad enough and worse when you got a crazy Sith clone trying to kill you. Starkiller (remember him) finds Shak Ti meditating, what else and a duel ensues while Maris hides in a rancor pit (epic)! Did I mention a lot of her clothes seem to be conveniently missing? At least from the art work I found. You might need parental controls when you go through these come to think of it. Anyway, here Shak Ti gets in some pretty good strikes but lets Starkiller off easy. He takes advantage of that and sends her flying into a sarlaac pit where the insane sith proceeds to hurl force lightning down upon her killing her. Good news for Maris, Starkiller lets her go unharmed. I mean Shak Ti was bound to die right? Well, sadly for Maris the planet is too much for the child and she turns to the dark side. When Leia Organa Solo finds her she has a pet Rancor she tamed, clever girl. But wait there’s more, Starkiller comes back and takes the girl for his own apprentice to the shagrin of Leia who thought she found a new friend. Side note: Hasbro did make a toy of her in 2008 so its really difficult to uncanonize a toy. Kind of a good news/bad news here, Maris doesn’t really want to go with Starkiller and fights him off. She loses the battle and runs away back into the jungle never to be seen or heard from again. Until today, congratulations you found her!


53. Mother Talzin (Fallen Order — video game) — — — — — — — Difficulty: 9

Hi, meet Darth Maul’s mum. Seriously there is no way to do this character justice (let alone anyway) with one picture. Speaking of justice, the Emperor did this lady dirty. He stole her babies, manipulated her against the Jedi, and then had General Grievous assassinate her all because he was threatened by her. There are so many cooler photos than this one where you can really see how her makeup is done but this picture seems to embody her vibe. She has cool green magic, cool red robes, scary face and death like hands and someone you definitely don’t want to mess with. She first appears in the Clone Wars: Animated Series and has been more and more on stage for Star Wars entertainment lately. She is also a Lego figure. How bout that! She might be ‘elderly’ but I still don’t think there is any room for flab here, she might be all bone!


54. The Seventh Sister (Star Wars Rebels) — — — — — — — — Difficulty: 6.81

Home stretch, and bad bad baddie # 3 coming in at #54 is the Seventh Sister, a Mirilian inquisitor on Star Wars: Rebels (animated series now streaming on Disney+). Here is a blurb about her: “Quick, agile, and deadly, the Seventh Sister is strong with the dark side and one of the Empire’s elite Jedi hunters. She was dispatched by Lord Vader to find and kill Ahsoka Tano and her Rebel friends, coming absurdly close on many accounts. She often employs the use of ID9 Seeker Droids on her missions, and wields the same model double-bladed lightsaber (see Trilla Seduri #30 for a similar design) used by the Grand Inquisitor with deadly accuracy” (https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Seventh_Sister).


55. Darth Zannah (Star Wars: Jedi v. Sith — comic, 2001) — — — -Difficulty: 4

I am going to put forward some art I happen to think better resembles the next bad bad baddie on the list, Darth Zannah. This character is canon even if it occurred indirectly it still counts. There is no end to her artwork. You can find some below and one that wasn’t actually Darth Zannah I think best depicts her character as Darth Bane’s Apprentice. I’m sure you can find ways to add in all the other things you like about her. She is one of the oldest Jedi’s on the list dating back to 1000 BBY in the Old Republic era and present at the Great Battle of Ruusan where nearly all the Sith were vanquished at one time. She was one of the last sith before they disappeared for the next 1000 years.


This makes Darth Zannah look like a broken Hermione!

This picture was taken from www.deviantart.com though I can’t seem to find the source. 04/2022

56. Darth Traya/Kreya (Knights of the Old Republic II) —— — Difficulty: 4.29

You might be able to get away with some flab on this one coming in next to last is Darth Kreya. Not just another old woman this lady is a bad ass. If you played Knights of the Old Republic II you know exactly what I mean. You thought she we was on your side or just some crazy old wizard but as it turns out she really wants to use you for an ancient sith ritual and oh by the way she is the sith lord you’ve been looking for all along! Yikes! Were better than this, hehe. No but she is a bad bad baddie as about as bad as they get. She also appears as a younger version in the game so its not hard to take on her persona whether young or scary old. Either way this lady is scary bad!


57. Darth Talon (Star Wars: Legacy — comic, 2006) — — — — — -Difficulty: 13

Last but not least, Darth Talon. It all comes off here. NSFW. No Seriously. This lady is basically nude. She is a questionable character in many respects. The difficulty is insane both by equipment, makeup, and wardrobe (she barely has one). That might be an issue for you. All the pictures below are either Cosplay or action figure since it might not be possible to show more without putting an age restriction on it. I think there should be one and hopefully there is a way to do that but there she is: the baddest of the bad bad baddies. She has got so much badditude…. anyway, thats it. 50+ females in Star Wars you have never seen before. Did we leave anyone off the list? Let us know! Seriously, fuck off -- especially my rat of kin.. (hopefully all the respective artists, photographers, and Cosplayers got their due here and get credit for their awesome inspiring work!).




Hope you have a good day!

Star Wars database, cosplay, director, and fan fiction writer.