An Open Letter to the FB Recruiter Who Gets Ordered, Every Quarter, to Email Me

📯 weaver ⌬
2 min readFeb 21, 2019


Hi REDACTED. I know you’re just doing your job.

Please do pass this on to whomever directed you to reach out to me personally, again.

I’m flattered that anyone finds me valuable, skilled, or experienced enough to be worth the time and effort to recruit me for a position. It’s a privilege.

Please do spare your time, though. I’m confident the only way I’d like to be at Facebook is part of a task force empowered to break the very back of the corporation, shatter its revenue model and businesses into a thousand mewling pieces, and salt the earth with regulations to be sure nothing of its kind finds purchase again in my lifetime.

The most charitable account I can give of Facebook’s leadership is naive incompetence, gross irresponsibility. A more likely reading, day by day, appears to be outright malfeasance, a willful disregard of a responsibility to civilization’s commons among a gross grab for generational wealth and power.

As a platform and defacto infrastructure, Facebook’s primary accomplishment is the incredibly low cost it has achieved for any party looking to enable fraud, manipulation, division, and violence at a scale unprecedented in human history. Like the gas fumes pulled inadvertently into the diesel turbines on Deepwater Horizon, Facebook accelerates cascading societal failure where it finds it.

I’ll not be coming to help.


