Marko Kostadinov
2 min readJan 31, 2018
iPhone X

The Completely Useless Scheme called “Planned Obsolescence”

This, as you can see, is an iPhone X. It just came out and it costs a whopping $1000 to $2000. Nice phone, although i think its overrated. People say that it is the most innovative and most Up-To-Date Phone of the last 10 Years. Until The next one comes out. Same fate with the one after that. Planned Obsolescence is such a big thing. It literally steals money from your pocket, It sucks it out, more an more per year. This really needs to stop. Not like it will stop because it is a scheme for money that, sadly, works. People will still buy this one. And next year, the same will happen. This scheme makes companies like Apple or Samsung so, so, much money. So let me break down this quite simple strategy. So, Company 1 develops a state-of-the-art phone and markets it perfectly so it is does not seem overpriced or overrated and it sells in masses. But, next year, said company make a new phone which they market as “Completely new” or “Extremely innovative” and they put it at a MUCH higher priced than its predecessor (This does not indicate an iPhone X mainly because the 8 and the X came out at the same time. The predecessor to the X and the 8 is the 7) This therefore makes people think that the old one is “Completely Useless” and makes them think that if they do no have the new one they are not “up-to-date”. I believe that this will continue and probably get worse over the years but sadly, i can’t do anything about it.