A Guide to Renewing Road Tax with One.Motoring

Mk Kerl
2 min readFeb 12, 2024



Why Choose One.Motoring for Road Tax Renewal?

  • Convenience and Accessibility
  • Online Payment Options
  • Efficient Processing and Delivery

Steps to Renew Road Tax with One.Motoring

  1. Visit the One.Motoring Website
  2. Login or Register for an Account
  3. Select the “Renew Road Tax” Option
  4. Provide Vehicle Details and Insurance Information
  5. Calculate the Road Tax Amount
  6. Choose Preferred Payment Method
  7. Review and Confirm the Renewal
  8. Make the Payment
  9. Receive Confirmation and Road Tax Disc

Important Considerations for Road Tax Renewal

  • Valid Motor Insurance
  • Vehicle Inspection and Compliance
  • Outstanding Fees or Fines
  • Ownership Transfer or Changes

Benefits of Online Road Tax Renewal

  • Time-Saving and Convenient
  • Immediate Confirmation and Renewal
  • Avoiding Long Queues and Inconvenience
  • Access to Online Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I renew road tax with One.Motoring if my vehicle has outstanding fines?
  2. Is it mandatory to have valid motor insurance to renew road tax?
  3. How long does it take to receive the road tax disc after renewal?
  4. Can I renew road tax online if I have recently transferred vehicle ownership?
  5. Are there any additional fees or charges for renewing road tax with One.Motoring?


  • The Convenience and Efficiency of Renewing Road Tax with One.Motoring
  • Simplifying the Road Tax Renewal Process


  1. Can I renew road tax with One.Motoring if my vehicle has outstanding fines?
  2. Is it mandatory to have valid motor insurance to renew road tax?
  3. How long does it take to receive the road tax disc after renewal?
  4. Can I renew road tax online if I have recently transferred vehicle ownership?
  5. Are there any additional fees or charges for renewing road tax with One.Motoring?

