MK linkybrain self review

Mindaugas Kriščiūnas
6 min readApr 4, 2018


Doug is my investor, mentor and I consider him to be a friend. Mostly due to the fact that he is one of only a few people that seem to understand how I operate and where my values are at; and also saved my young ass when I was about to be kicked out of my own company by a hostile investor…

I reached out to Doug for some advice and he told me to read all the stuff on linkybrains and write my own. Here it is.

I realised that my brain was “special” back at high school and university, while studying biotechnology, bioengineering, genetics and all this hi-tech crazy stuff. And the realisation was that it is not challenging enough:
- it does not really provide me with a route to unlock my full potential;
- even if I become Einstein level scientist, I can’t be sure that my ideas will ever see the daylight, because my priority is to completely solve a problem ( like AIDS, cancer, etc ) not create bullshit that treats the symptoms, so that the corporation can generate profits while the patent lasts… that was a very sad realisation when I was graduating and collecting my diploma.

On the other hand, I was never really aware of my interpersonal skills and abilities. Having grown up in post-soviet country, Lithuania, things like entrepreneurship and business were pretty much curse words that are ruining the society, so the concept wasn’t even around me. But I was hustling since I was 12, making sales, upsells, creating “value” out of nothing, so that I could generate income to do crazy stuff. And then I learned that hustling was the most fun part of all. The reward or the return was just a byproduct.

Combining these two positions after graduating I just went all in to my hustling and entrepreneurial spirit calling. At the time the first iPhone was out with very primitive application and to me it felt, that the platform should be used and will be used for increasing productivity and solving actual data overload problems. So it all started and not long after that I met Doug.

I won’t go into details about all my lessons and growth starting-up tech businesses — this would probably require at least one or two books by now.

But this is more about the patterns. As far as I can remember anything at all my mind was observing patterns. To me they are like waves filled with infinite energy, which I can hop on and surf ( as long as I can hold my balance, because if you catch a big one, the power and the speed get’s insane )

For the past 7 years my top priority was figuring out my own brain patterns.

The Mind and the Brain is the house of Ego. Selfish, demanding, desiring, greedy and uncompromising beast that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal which it has been locked onto.

It can be destructive and self-destructive.

It is a major waste of energy if not put on a leash.

I heard this quote: the relationship between the human soul and it’s ego-mind is like between a horse and the rider. Nowadays this relationship has been mixed up in many cases ( including my own ) the horse is riding on top of the rider wherever it desires. Like a hurricane damaging itself, it’s host and everything around it.
* in my case through all sorts of meditations, practices and ceremonies I learned that my relationship is more like cowboy and a crazy bull. Red Bull — filled with infinite power and potential, driven by pure testosterone. So now I am learning to ride this beast. At first I could last for 10 seconds, the for 10 minutes, then for a few days.
It all changed when I did 100 days retreat in a forest and experienced the depth of the illusion… there is no separation between the cowboy and the bull…

So now I can do the rodeo with myself going through the craziest board room pressures. The world maybe collapsing around me, but the Bull and the cowboy are mostly in the mellow.

Now that this has become clear, the life is getting back at me with increased power and challenges that I have already met. And my objective is to approach these challenges with my new understanding and realisation.

If the brain can be greedy — it can be giving.

If it can be selfish — it could be in unconditional service to others.

If it can be anxious — it could be in absolute zen.

I hate wasting my time on trivial tasks that lead nowhere — accepting it or dropping it.

It’s hard for me to give up and let go. When I find myself working on a task that seems to not add any value I force myself to do it anyway. Argumenting that this is just my laziness. But most of the times it’s my intuition telling me — you are not focused on what you’re supposed to be doing… I am learning to distinguish where I’m lazy and where I’m forcing myself to do stupid shit. Now I learned it’s extra hard to do this when I’m not doing this for myself, when I work for others — whose fundamental values do not align with mine.

When I do stuff I absolutely and unconditionally believe in — I can walk on fire and I can burn and rise again.

When I do not agree with the values — nothing makes sense to me and my work is worthless.

My mind is visionary — when I tune in to a problem that I truly care about I already see the whole world where this problem is solved and the value has been unlocked and released.

I am not motivated by personal gain. I am motivated about the solution, the creation functioning and empowering everything and everyone involved.

I believe in positive energy input / output relationship. It is all interlinked — if I put joy and creativity into my work — more positivity comes out when it’s completed.

When I put my force effort into something I don’t believe in — bullshit comes out.

So for a while I had to stop doing anything, because mostly bullshit was coming out…

The mind is like a gateway to infinite wisdom if I can keep it still and clear. When it’s in a whirlwind — no answers come. Only impulsive, force driven invites to take any action in order to move forward. When it is still — the complete and full answers just appear — both in the mind and in the physical world. A phone call comes in or an email. It’s just like magic.
The challenge is to maintain the beast transparent and still.

I read all the other articles that Doug has shared with me and invited to write my own and reading my own entry it looks like I expanded too much into self assessment, but let it be. This is how my linkybrain works :)

I thought about just listing things that I am good at or I am bad at. Things I love or things that I hate.

The truth is that over the last ten years I went through the Death Valley multiple times — smuggling ideas, values, belief and creativity. Hundreds if not thousands of times I thought about giving up — this is non-sense, this is going nowhere, why is this happening to me, why can’t it all be flowers and bees??

Well I’m still doing this and the resistance is now totally optional. When it’s done with full dedication and surrender — there is no resistance. There is no option of failure. I am already a winner. No matter what it takes and how long it takes.

Considering all the above, I am now entering into the craziest chapter so far — trying to save and take over a company that I truly believe in. A product that can really bring value, health and happiness to the world. And I know that the Death Valley awaits the smuggler to visit again…

But f*** it — I believe that this one will shoot straight to the stars.

No more war time CEO — it’s peace-time CEO chapter.



Mindaugas Kriščiūnas

entrepreneur, creator, hustler, warrior. absolute zen. I am here and now. universe — bring it on.