Being nice is so much better.

Manish Kumar
2 min readJul 24, 2015


I think we are overdoing it. We are overdoing being grumpy and furious about things. Really.

Grumpy little fella!

I get grumpy and sad, sometimes on very silly things, like food order being late. That should not be any human’s reaction at least in the world I live where on a push of a button I get a car, on a push of button water starts boiling — isn’t that magic, it definitely is, at par with the magic of fire. So, I figured I will try to be nice.

So, I am now being nice. I know I can’t be all like Jared from Silicon Valley (he is very nice) but I will try to be as nice as possible.

Being Nice is Not Easy

It’s not easy to be nice. First off, you need to have thick skin. Like Jared, you will have to deal with bad people, behaviour or circumstances everyday, so, you must have thick skin to smile through those situations. Then you need to have the ability to look at things from a different perspective. From different I mean, you should be able to judge the real value of something, like, what is the value of this mug that my friend broke vs the friendship that we enjoyed over the years!

Being nice has so many advantages

It frees your brain to think clearly which enables you to have the ability judge real value of something. Is this thing going to kill me? No? fine then, I can deal with this by doing such and such things. Often the results are much better by dealing this way instead of being angry or afraid. By being angry your brain stops working — you literally become Hulk. When you are angry you are better suited for a physical fight than a mental one. But in this world, the fight is rarely a physical one. Fight is for success, fight is to get ahead in the career. So, its better to let your brain function at its best. Our primitive brain part has not progressed as much as we as a human race have progressed. We need to understand that in order to curb our anger and grumpy behaviour in the present world.

Moreover being nice is so much better, it relaxes your body and your mind. And you are more likely to be loved by everyone than your grumpy twin.

