Introducing SIR: A Membership Experience for Men in their Prime

Meghan Oliver
3 min readMay 21, 2024


In 2023, I promised myself that I would launch my first business in 2024. I assumed it would be something deeply rooted in digital healthcare, as this has been my world for the last 14 years. Little did I know that the idea would come from the most basic question that arises once a year:

What should I get my dad for Father’s Day?

Yes, you heard right.

Why is this one so hard? I started thinking about the deeper reasons that made it challenging to find the perfect gift for the important men in our lives, especially as they enter their later retirement years. I realized there is a lot behind it. I want to show I care; I want it to be something he will enjoy. I want to make it personal and relevant because he likes what he likes and really doesn’t like what he doesn’t like. But the biggest reason? I want to support him through the changes that come with aging without being overbearing or overstepping my place.

I know the basic statistics of men’s health from a healthcare perspective. Men over the age of 55 are the hardest population to engage in health; they typically delay care for as long as possible until things go from bad to worse, and they distrust the system. As I dug into this further, I learned much more about the silent struggles of too many men in the retirement zone, from isolation and loneliness to lack of new purpose when career, family, and community are no longer calling as they once did.

In many ways, it seems like society has just moved on from this group somehow and, even worse, painted them with a broad brush, associating them with sensitive and taboo issues in our world.

This isn’t even close to describing the men who have greatly impacted my life. In fact, after sharing my thoughts with friends, family, and anyone who would listen, I realized that this wasn’t how they would describe the aging men in their lives either. This isn’t right, fair, or good for our community and future.

This is why I’m launching SIR, a membership experience designed specifically and unapologetically for aging men.

SIR is about showing respect, appreciation, and consideration for these men for everything they have done, regardless of their background or social status. What started as a deep thought on a better Father’s Day gift has evolved into rethinking and reimagining what post-retirement later years of life mean for all men.

We’re creating a hyper-personal experience for men that starts with fun, adventure, and camaraderie while expanding into areas like social connection and health. By combining the proven benefits of creative hands-on experiences with a personalized digital experience made possible through the advancements of AI, we are creating an experience that, for the first time, actually reaches the men who all too often our world has missed.

We’re starting a journey to support the special men in our lives to live their best years in their legacy stage. SIR provides a way to do just that for those of us who are family or a close friend who want to show that we care without the fear of overstepping. While this may be my motivation, SIR is also for the community organizations and businesses who want to show appreciation and care for men and any man who would like to experience something great and rewarding for themselves!

With Father’s Day just over a month away, I invite you to check out SIR at to learn how you can participate in our beta membership experience. Whether for someone in your life or for yourself, we’d love to have you join us on this journey and help shape the experience these men deserve.

I’m incredibly grateful for the support as I embark on this new adventure. Together, we can create a future where every man has the support and resources he needs to make the most of his golden years.



Meghan Oliver

Health Tech Executive | Product Enthusiast | Pragmatic Strategist | Entrepreneur | Advisor