Black Dot in A White Paper

Mohammed Khalil
4 min readDec 12, 2017


A Black Dot in A White Paper

A term that is mostly used to describe the negatives about a person (or a situation)in a place where there was a lot of positive upsides before .

It seems as if it is only for pessimistic people . Only one kind of people . However , many (if not all) people are using it with or without realizing it . It’s just a different perspective , a different explanation , a different point of view .

Here are types of people who use this term and how they use it based on their personality :

The Pessimists

A term that is mostly used by pessimistic people . The people who look for something to criticize , to dwell or to complain about even if everything in their lives is fine and they are content . How they look at the “Black Dot in A White Paper” is simple . They see the dot as something negative that ruined their lives that they are gonna take either or both of those actions : Complain or/and ignoring the positives . They neglect and ignore the white space( aka the positives ) intentionally because they don’t look for what they already have . They always look for something that is wrong or might get noticed by their peers or friends. Why ?! Because the next day ,they will make their friends who are not pessimistic to notice it so they can feel bad for them. They seek attention . No matter the cost . They may even ruin the whole paper because of this dot , which is why they are called pessimists .

The Perfectionists

The Perfectionists have the same perception as the pessimists to some extent . They often look for the negatives ( the dot ) instead of the positives . However ,they do not do the same thing as the pessimists do . They will think about the ways that should’ve been better based on their previous vision , the situations where everything is supposed to be perfect . These thoughts often come before the paper is “printed” . When they see the paper after it is printed , they get shocked, disappointed and more importantly , stumbled . Their behavior is based on the “All or nothing ” trait that they have . Thus, everything to them is binary , black or white .There is no black and white in the same paper.

The Optimists

The optimists look to things the opposite of what pessimists look . They see the white space as an enormous upside that must be appreciated and thought about every time they are in a bad state .They look in a negative as a way that they are human , they make mistakes , or the situation does not necessarily has to be perfect as long as the most beloved assets to them does not get affected such as their family , time , etc. .

Side Note : Most people think that Optimists are blind , that they always look for positives in every situation and ignore the negatives . Optimists do NOT ignore . They accept the reality . Ignoring the negatives is oftentimes bad and will kill your mental health even if you did it intentionally . Because it will accumulate like a tsunami wave and when the tide is big enough it will ruin through your mental health without mercy .

The Growth Seekers

The growth seekers are the people who look for room for growth anywhere if possible . They love to build their personalities ,their academic careers and their family life . They look at the dot as a room for improvement and feedback . They acknowledge the white space and celebrate for a second or two . After that , all they are doing is looking for some ways to remove the dot from the paper . Although most of them know that it will never lead to a “perfect” paper, they all love the process of doing so . They try so hard to at least make the dot as small as possible and as ineffective as possible .

The Hiders

The hiders are the ones who are only fooling themselves . They try to fool everybody by deleting or erasing their dot ,the dot that will never gonna go away. They want to be perfectionists by fooling around. It will remain printed in their paper as long as they are breathing . They ignore the negatives and try to hide them. Putting negatives on a shelf and not worrying about them may lead them to face some serious consequences, both mentally and physically . They have to embrace them , because every body has the same paper , but different size of dot(s).


At least this is the types of people that i know that use this term in their own perspective , if you got one or you are one of those people , please share your story in the comments so everybody can see so they can help you or get inspired by your story . And if you enjoyed , share and don’t forget to clap (like) .. sorry I’m new to this lol.

