Megan Kendrick
Megan Kendrick

I'm a 24 year old university student majoring in Journalism with the dream of one day becoming a writer for the company National Geographic. My love of nature is endless. Every year I travel around to different areas of the United states as well as national parks and write down my experiences. Within my experience I include information about how busy a place was, what I saw, and the condition of things like trees, wildlife, and etc. I have other hobbies which include putting together the occasional jigsaw puzzle, journaling, taking care of my 1-year-old rabbit Kiwi, designing a variety of things like desktop backgrounds and websites, and watching YouTube videos about how I can be more productive with my time.

Megan Kendrick

Megan Kendrick

24 year old university student majoring in Journalism with the dream of one day becoming a writer for National Geographic.