Conversation between friends

A look at my friendships

Aug 20, 2023

Do people have normal friends? You know, friends that don’t mildly and jokingly threaten each other?

I know I don’t have any. For example, the text thread pictured below is a normal conversation between my friends. This friend, let’s call him Matt, in particular.

A screenshot of one of today's conversations. Also, if you're ever questioning an interaction with me, just remember I haven't threatened to tenderize your soul for an eldritch horror... yet.

See here, we have the classic start. A dramatic proclamation that the speaker is dying. Followed by the real explanation and the return (from me in this case) that we will miss the original speaker, but definitely not enough to be respectful of their untimely demise.

Yeah. This was it. I had messaged to see about scheduling a game day and this is what the conversation devolved into.

So is it just me and my friends? It definitely can’t be just me. Right?

Anyway, I wouldn’t trade my friendships, weird as they are, for anyone else.




I'm an anxiety laden weirdo who loves to write! Currently, I'm planning my way onto a 9 month cruise. Just give me 5 years.