The Lunchroom

Michael Kosinski
1 min readJan 17, 2017


Photo Credit: Bloomington Richfield

Mike Kosinski

The Lunch Room

It was lunch and Jared and his friend Antoine walked briskly through the halls of the well known academic institution. They were feeling their stomachs clench as if it was a grape evolving into to the tiniest raisin there ever was in the wonderful land of the United States of America. Their crusty mouths were craving some moist drinks so they could uncrustify. They swaggered their way into the cafeteria and waded their way into the line for food. Jared asked Antoine to grab him bosco sticks . Antoine being the nice young man he was, grabbed the warm sticks into his hand. He felt the warm sensations spreading through his body. All of the sudden Antoine dropped the sticks to the floor. Someone in the distance yelled “FRESHMANNN!!!” Jared scadaddled out of the area, leaving Antoine and his poor soul laying on the ground alone crying himself to sleep.

