I am From Crickets Chirping

Molly Ryan
1 min readSep 19, 2017


One of my favorite memories of childhood is the sound of crickets during summer nights. As chilly spring evenings eventually turned mild, the return of the crickets’ chirps also meant the return of summer. I welcomed the peaceful summer nights with open bedroom windows as the natural sound machine outside lulled me to sleep. Some nights, the crickets would be so loud that closing the windows could not muffle them, but they were never a nuisance.

I look back and remember laying on the front lawn with a blanket while looking up at the stars with my siblings. We would talk for hours about life without a care in the world, all while summer’s soundtrack played in the background. During the occasional break from conversation, I was left completely at peace in nature with the idea of school far out of my mind. I began to associate the feelings of bliss from nights like those to the sounds of the crickets. As I grow older, life is rarely as carefree as the nights of my childhood summers. However now whenever I hear crickets chirping, I am brought back to the summer nights of my youth and I am rejuvenated.


