How to do iPhone App Marketing?

Mukesh Pandian
5 min readApr 12, 2018


The latest data suggest that iPhone users have option to choose from over 2.2 million apps in Apple’s App Store. While developing an iOS app, developers focus extensively on user engagement and experience. But the developers need to implement a robust iPhone app marketing strategy to accomplish more downloads and generate more revenue. There are a number of iPhone app marketing agencies that help developers to promote their apps without putting extra time and effort. But the promotional option will require the developers to spend more money. A developer can implement simple iPhone app marketing best practices to promote his application without increasing marketing budgets.

10 Effective iPhone App Marketing Tactics for Developers

1) Website or Landing Page

A developer can always consider complementing the iPhone app marketing strategy with a website or landing page. He can develop a simple website to strengthen his app’s online presence. The users can visit the website to gather additional information about the iPhone app. The developers can further use screenshots and videos to convey various aspect of his app effectively to prospective users. He even has option to divert regular visitors to the website by using relevant keywords and implementing latest search engine guidelines.

2) App Review

Most users nowadays check review and ratings before downloading an iPhone app. A developer can accelerate iPhone app marketing effort by getting the app reviewed. There are a number of websites that help developers to review their new mobile apps. A developer can easily impress potential users by submitting the app to various app review websites. He can even consider availing the assistance of the review websites to provide initial publicity to the app. At the same time, the developer can also persuade users to review the iPhone app.

3) Organic and Paid Social Media Promotion

Within a short span of time, social networking platforms have become an integral part of modern lifestyle. With iPhone users spending more digital media time on social networks, it becomes essential for developers to promote their new iPhone apps on popular social networks. A developer can promote his iPhone app through the organic and paid advertisement options provided by a social network. The organic advertisement will help the developer to establish the online presence on popular platforms. At the same time, the developer can take advantage of paid social media advertisement to increase app downloads through click-through-rates.

4) App Store Optimization

The iPhone app marketing strategy must focus on app store optimization (ASO) to increase downloads by making app visible to more users. A developer can easily implement a number of ASO tricks while developing and marketing the app. For instance, he can enhance the app’s discoverability by selecting a unique and catchy app name, selecting and including relevant keywords, selecting the right screenshots, making the app description compelling, and allowing users to rate the mobile app.

5) Apple Search Ads

While launching iOS 10, Apple introduced a new paid advertisement model called Search Ads. Search Ads enable developers to improve his iPhone app’s visibility in the app store by bidding for relevant keywords. When the developer bids for relevant keywords, the users can see his app first while entering specific search terms. However, the developer has to incur additional expenses to promote his app through Search Ads. Also, he needs to select the right keywords to accomplish more downloads.

6) Influencer Endorsement

A developer can make his iPhone app popular quickly through celebrity or influencer endorsement. When a celebrity or influential person endorses an iOS app, many users download the app within a short amount of time. However, the developer has to spend more funds to get the app endorsed by a movie star or a-list celebrity. He can save money by persuading industry-specific influencers to promote the mobile app through their blogs or websites.

7) Free and Paid Versions of the App

Several studies show that a very large percentage of iPhone users prefer free apps to paid apps. A developer can easily accomplish more downloads by allowing users to download the iPhone app without incurring additional expenses. However, he must generate revenue by implementing app monetization techniques like in-app purchase, in-app ads, subscription and freemium. The initiate popularity of the free versions of the app will help the developers to make the paid version popular in the long run.

8) Inbound Marketing

While making an iPhone marketing plan, the iPhone app developers must focus extensively on inbound marketing. Several studies suggest that inbound marketing techniques are more effective than outbound marketing techniques to increase downloads. Inbound marketing requires developers to create viral content and distribute the content to relevant iPhone users. A developer can promote his iOS app through textual content, images, and videos. But he needs to ensure that the content appears informative and does not sell the app directly. The content will further help the developer to highlight various aspects of his iOS app.

9) Conventional Advertising Techniques

While making an iPhone app marketing strategy, developers prefer digital marketing techniques to conventional marketing techniques. But a developer can easily create a significant buzz by using conventional and in-store marketing techniques. For instance, a retailer can promote his mobile app in-store to persuade customers to download it. Likewise, a restaurant owner can accomplish higher app downloads by promoting his iPhone app by offering attractive discounts to customers.

10) Create and Maintain the Buzz

A developer must create and maintain buzz among iPhone users to accomplish more app downloads. He can create an impactful buzz by using various advertisement channels — print, electronic and online. For instance, a developer can make its app popular quickly by distributing press releases, writing guest blogs, and posting content on newspapers. Likewise, he can create an instant buzz by hosting a launch party or interacting with the media.

However, the iPhone app developer must remember the iPhone app marketing is a continuous process. He needs to focus extensively on the pre-launch and post-launch marketing activities. Also, he must monitor the marketing activities consistently and make changes to the marketing plan to make users download, talk about, and recommend the iPhone app. The developers can also follow the Do’s and Dont’s of iPhone app marketing to avoid any mistakes.



Mukesh Pandian

#Tech #ContentWriter | I write, I design, and I create | #Blogger #Software #Programmer You keep me safe, I’ll keep you wild.