Pan American flight 914

3 min readOct 17, 2020


On July 2nd, 1955 in New York the Pan American flight 914 took off towards Miami. Everything went smoothly. But 3 hours later when the plane was supposed to land and no airplane landed the control tower start to worry. The radars didn’t show approaching planes and there were no distress signals received. The aircraft control called the New York tower and was astonished when they were informed that the flight disappeared from the radars.

An investigation was started right away. But the plane was lost and not to be found anywhere. They supposed that the plane had a crash somewhere, but after days of searching, they didn’t found any clues. Around 57 passengers and 4 members of the crew vanished with the plane. Although there was no real proves, there was an official document stating that the plane crash that took everyone's lives on board.

On September 9, 1992, in Caracas, Venezuela. Juan de la Corte is in the air traffic control tower doing his job. With his coffee in hand, he was overlooking flights. While he was helping a flight, something strange started to happen. A new dot appeared on the radar. It came from nowhere and was in mid-screen. He checked the readings multiple times to make sure they were correct.

Moments later they saw the plane. As close it got, Juan and his colleagues could see that it was an old model of airplane. Then the pilot of said plane contacted the tower and asked where were they. Juan answered and asked where they were headed. “We are Pan Am flight 914 heading from New York to Miami.” answered the pilot after a silent moment. After a short talk, the pilot revealed that the flight was scheduled to land at Miami airport at 9:55 on July 2, 1955.

Juan shock tried to stay calm and helped the pilot to land the plane. They landed without trouble and Juan couldn’t contain himself anymore. He asked the pilot if he knew that it was 1992. The pilot confused asked what he meant and at that moment Juan perceived he needed to call the police to escort the passengers.

But soon he realized that what he asked was wrong because the pilot started to freak out and start screaming to the police to not touch the plane and he prepared to take off. Juan tried to say that it was very dangerous since there were many people in the way, helping with the arrival of the plane. The pilot didn’t pay attention and soon he took off.

As the plane was leaving, in mi-air the machine disappeared. Leaving Juan and all his colleagues like they had a collective hallucination. After the departure of the plane that morning, the only thing on site was an old 1955 calendar. But no trace was found ever again of the plane.

There are many conspiracy theories trying to make sense of this story, stating that the plane went through a wormhole, that aliens took the plane and others even say the government took and hide the plane. As amazing as this story sounds, it’s been proven fake. It was part of “The Weekly World News”, a newspaper that published fictional news to attract the public.

