Top 100 LinkedIn Hashtags 2022

Mario Claudio Lattuga
3 min readAug 29, 2020


For some reason, LinkedIn’s top hashtags are quite the black box. Yet, LinkedIn is such a powerful tool for professionals to market their products and services, and hashtags are a great way to increase eyes on posts.

Consequently, I parsed through LinkedIn to find the top hashtags.

Given that hashtags are fluid, this article will be periodically updated. Note, the number of followers has been rounded because ain’t nobody got time for that.

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These are the top 100 LinkedIn hashtags and corresponding number of followers:

  1. #india — 68M
  2. #innovation — 39M
  3. #management — 36.2M
  4. #humanresources — 33.4M
  5. #digitalmarketing — 27.5M
  6. #technology — 26.4M
  7. #creativity — 25M
  8. #future — 24.7M
  9. #futurism — 23.7M
  10. #entrepreneurship — 23M
  11. #careers — 22.4M
  12. #markets — 22M
  13. #startups — 21.4M
  14. #marketing — 20.3M
  15. #socialmedia — 19.8M
  16. #venturecapital — 19.4M
  17. #leanstartups — 19.1M
  18. #economy — 19M
  19. #socialnetworking — 19M
  20. #economics — 18.2M
  21. #branding -18.1M
  22. #advertisingandmarketing — 17.3M
  23. #motivation — 15.5M
  24. #personaldevelopment — 14.8M
  25. #investing — 14.5M
  26. #jobinterviews — 14.5M
  27. #money — 14.2M
  28. #bankingindustry — 14M
  29. #sustainability — 13.3M
  30. #alternativeenergy — 13M
  31. #personalbranding — 10.5M
  32. #hiringandpromotion — 10.1M
  33. #healthcare — 9.7M
  34. #education — 9.6M
  35. #customerrelations — 9M
  36. #productivity — 8.5M
  37. #whatinspiresme — 8.1M
  38. #bestadvice — 7.7M
  39. #bigdata — 7M
  40. #travel — 7M
  41. #gettingthingsdone — 7M
  42. #businessintelligence — 7M
  43. #softwareengineering — 6.6M
  44. #programing — 6.6M
  45. #analytics — 6M
  46. #softwaredesign — 6M
  47. #datamining — 6M
  48. #data — 6M
  49. #socialentrepreneurs — 5.9M
  50. #sales — 5.8M
  51. #fundraising — 5.8M
  52. #law — 5.5M
  53. #lawandlegislation — 5.5M
  54. #legalissues — 5.3M
  55. #strategy — 5.1M
  56. #projectmanagement — 5M
  57. #culture — 4.7M
  58. #userexperience — 4.7M
  59. #fashion — 4.2M
  60. #cloudcomputing — 4M
  61. #mobileapplications — 4M
  62. #consultants — 4M
  63. #productmanagement — 3.6M
  64. #business — 3.6M
  65. #networking — 3.5M
  66. #leadership — 2.8M
  67. #artificialintelligence — 2.4M
  68. #hiring — 2.1M
  69. #health — 1.9M
  70. #engineering — 1.8M
  71. #mindfulness — 1.7M
  72. #jobsearch — 1.5M
  73. #jobseekers — 1.3M
  74. #africa — 1.15M
  75. #deeplearning — 855k
  76. #hr — 810k
  77. #smallbusiness — 800k
  78. #workingathome — 800k
  79. #recruiting — 785k
  80. #inspiration — 760k
  81. #job — 742k
  82. #datascience — 725k
  83. #contentmarketing — 640k
  84. #research — 592,000
  85. #success — 540k
  86. #ai — 500k
  87. #storytelling — 486k
  88. #computerscience — 485k
  89. #python — 450k
  90. #entrepreneur — 510K
  91. #fintech — 435k
  92. #onlineadvertising — 400k
  93. #selfhelp — 300k
  94. #neuralnetworks — 296k
  95. #partnerships — 260k
  96. #jobopening — 340k
  97. #cloud — 270k
  98. #homeoffice — 146k
  99. #openings — 178k
  100. #automation — 141k

This list will be periodically updated. However, if I missed a hashtag, feel free to drop a comment below and I’ll add it to the list.



Mario Claudio Lattuga

🚀 Senior Director, 💼 Securities lawyer ☕️ Espresso enthusiast — Looking for capital?