Warning! The Following Photos Contain Images That Are…Well, Goofy

You’ve been warned

Mike Butler
4 min readMay 16, 2022
Author’s photo. This is how my son Bryce and I roll at a Chargers’ game

Let’s get the first question out of the way: why the bizarre facial expression at a Los Angeles football game, Mike? Did you hallucinate and think you were at the top of a roller coaster?

I don’t know and no. It was a spontaneous reaction. Ordinarily, during selfies, my first reaction is to stick my tongue out. I’m a goofball. There I said it.

Oh, and no my 23-year-old son Bryce didn’t get in a bar fight. The story he told me was he took a hit of marijuana, and a few minutes later passed out at a Dave and Busters.

I was challenged by the comedy queen Ginger Cook to put together a photo essay. Be careful what you wish for ….

Author photo. Snowy California at Thanksgiving.

1. Beginning to not look like California

My son Reece and Julia flew out for Thanksgiving to sunny California and were greeted with 10 inches of snow. Hell yeah! We wanted to build a snowman!



Mike Butler

Top NBA, sports, and music writer. Editor for Beyond the Scoreboard.