Here comes 🫀 art stuff — your favorite art & culture newsletter

1 min readAug 13, 2023


Your monthly free 5-min dose of super useful drawing resources, culture & art inspiration!

art stuff — your favorite art newsletter for digital painters

4 questions

Are you:

  • a (digital) artist,
  • who’s eager to learn how to draw & paint,
  • and loves discovering new pieces of culture?

If you answered “YES” to at lest 2 out 3 questions above, you’re going to love 🫀 art stuff.

What is 🫀 art stuff?

Your monthly free 5-min dose of super useful drawing resources, culture & art inspiration! It’s an every artist’s must-read I send to you at the end of each month.

Here’s what you’ll find here:

  • BLOG — new articles from my art blog;
  • OLD MASTERS & NEW ARTISTS — art inspirations from both old and contemporary masters;
  • ART TOOLBOX — valuable tools that will make your life as an artist easier;
  • EDU-ART- O — a curated selection of blogs, videos, or podcasts to help you learn and improve your art skills;
  • ART CHALLENGE — reminder about upcoming art challenges you can participate in and engage with the art community online;
  • FAVS — things I like and you might too.
  • ART MEMES — because who doesn’t good memes?!

Subscribe now!

Subscribe to 🫀 art stuff now!>>




I paint urban landscapes digitally & share art-related content 🌃