Creating Enemy AggressionGoal: Create an effect that simualtes enemy aggression. Enemies will attempt to ram the player if they get too close.Nov 25, 2024Nov 25, 2024
Adding Enemy ShieldsGoal: Add an enemy that has shields allowing them to take an additional damage.Nov 22, 2024Nov 22, 2024
New Enemy with Unique MovementWhen it comes to programming, especially a task that seems daunting the wise programmers no matter how much expierence will also recommend…Nov 20, 2024Nov 20, 2024
Adding DebuffsGoal: Add a debuff, when collected paralyses the player for 10 seconds.Nov 14, 2024Nov 14, 2024
Implementing a Wave SystemGoal: Every 10 Minutes increase the rate at which enemies spawn in four waves adding challenge for players as the game goes on.Oct 2, 2024Oct 2, 2024
Camera ShakeGoal: Create a camera shake effect when the player is hit by an enemy.Jun 8, 2024Jun 8, 2024