melissa hastings
1 min readApr 17, 2024

Nurturing the Garden of Our Minds

In the vast expanse of our minds, thoughts bloom endlessly, a garden teeming with a myriad of possibilities. Yet, amidst this abundance, we must discern the seeds we cultivate.

As we navigate the labyrinth of our thoughts, it is essential to embrace those that exude kindness, beauty, gentleness, and truth. These are the thoughts we tenderly kiss, allowing them to soar like delicate butterflies up to the heavens.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.”

Our thoughts shape our reality, influencing our actions and attitudes. Therefore, nurturing thoughts that reflect our highest values is paramount.

Conversely, thoughts tainted with negativity — anger, jealousy, discomfort — threaten to overshadow the beauty within.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson aptly put it, “For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”

Recognizing and redirecting these thoughts allows us to maintain the purity of our mental landscape, nurturing a garden where only the most radiant blooms flourish.

Nurture, tenderly bloom, and grow as only you can.

Have a wonderful day, may you be well, in gratitude and infinitely blessed,


melissa hastings

Something about me... the things in my blogs are mostly about four subjects, unconditional love, gratitude, three E's evolving, elevating and expanding.