Why You Should Never Stop Believing in Yourself

Marcus Ligons
4 min readFeb 23, 2018


Embrace yourself because it’s totally up to you on how you present yourself to the world. There are so many distractions that can pull you in different directions which can disrupt your overall purpose. Take time to get to know yourself all your ins and outs, what makes you tick, things you love, and just who you are. We make plans every day for them to be broken or never fulfilled but never give in to that failure as that creates another opportunity to try again.

Sometimes you have to reset your mindset and go back to the drawing board a couple times before you are heading in the right direction you want to go. I evaluate myself every year by doing a reflection on where I started the year before to where I am in the present. It’s always good to have a sense of self and not a false persona where you believe so much into this persona it gets to the point where you get lost within yourself.

Why I say never stop believing in yourself? It’s simple. Be realistic about who you are as a person and what makes you happy don’t worry about the outside influences that might go against your personal beliefs and morals. The temptation is a lot more aggressive than it ever was with how social media has become a ground for everybody to have a voice to either be themselves or a “persona”. The more your aware of yourself the more successful you can be in your life. How you determine success is based on what you think it means to you.

I used to think to be successful is to get that “dream job” that offers you that “salary” you always wanted. That’s not a knock to those who determine that as their idea of success, but the journey I been through early in my life I learned a whole new meaning of success. For me, my idea of success is going through life on your own terms through believing you have the control to change your life.

Thing About Life is……

Life will kick your ass any chance you let your guard down. Why is it much easier to get things but harder to keep it? Because life won’t stop for anybody it will continue to keep going either having you on the up and up or hitting rock bottom. Why believe in yourself though? Learn to love yourself know that whatever happens good or bad you know you gave your all 100% and nobody can tell you otherwise.

Keeping positivity in your life or making efforts to make right moves that feel right in your world is hard. It’s always easy to come up with a million ideas but when it comes to executing those ideas the feeling can go away quickly without the hard work that comes with it. A negative thought is way easier than thinking positive about yourself. I go through this process at least a couple times a day where I overthink something that might not be so bad after all instead of just telling myself, “It will work out if it’s meant to be.”

Becoming self-aware of yourself will change your life because the minute you start to notice all of your habits (good or bad) you realize if you have been wasting time your time on stuff that might not ever come into maturity. Through those habits you might even find that you have hidden talents that could grow into something you never thought you be doing that can lead to a new career, creating a business, changing your lifestyle choices or whatever it may grow into.

It’s never wrong to believe in yourself there are people out there even those who are close to you such as family, friends, etc who can stop you from doing what you set your mind to. Young or old it doesn’t matter all it takes is the right combination of ideas through trial and error to eventually get into a groove of something that you can be good at and finding yourself in your overall purpose and how your legacy will be once you build something you can be proud of.

If you know anyone who can relate to this post feel free to share this with somebody who needs the inspiration.

Read About How Kidney Failure Affected My Life

Hope is Where the Heart is, tells my story about dealing with learning about having kidney failure and the challenges that came with dealing with the difficulty of being a dialysis patient while waiting for a transplant.

My book is currently available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Walmart.

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