3 Ways To Cultivate Inspiration

M.L. Moody
4 min readDec 19, 2019


How do you find inspiration even when you feel like you’ve maxed out on your attention span?

I’m writing this even though I don’t feel particularly inspired. It helps me realize that what I write doesn’t need to be spectacular but authentic. That I don’t need to wait for inspiration to swoop me up but that whatever state I’m in, I can show up and bring what’s most important to the table: myself.

Although my creativity tank is low I’m going to share a few things I like to do that always restores my sanity.

Turn Off Electronics

When I‘m feeling particularly apathetic as an entrepreneur I’m well-aware that my artistic meter is near running on empty.

Photo by Andrew Coelho on Unsplash

That means all the inputs: music in my headphones, laptop humming on my lap, and answering texts and e-mails as they come in on my phone has tapped my creative attention.

I know I’m going to need a blast of nature to come back to my own centered state of well-being.

Even if that’s just looking at the sky, somehow taking in a natural hue and not one created by your screen can have a serious effect on your ability to carry on.

Giving yourself permission to unplug and be exclusively available for your own well-being is the greatest investment you can make into ensuring the availability of your creative energy that you will always be able to draw from in the future, ad infinitum.

Take A Walk

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” -Rumi

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

Often times just a brisk 10 minute walk can reset me back into a believer state again.

Taking the time to be with myself and feel my body unfurl as I take each step puts me right where I haven’t been for a while and that’s inside rather than on the screen.

It can feel ultra daunting when you’re sitting there and that familiar feeling comes on. You know you’re overloaded, you know you don’t have anything left in you yet there’s still so much more to do; you feel doomed to zombie through and eventually go to sleep in that state just to wake up and start it all over again.

Liveliness is a choice.

Decide you don’t want to feel that way and then do the things.

Do A Quick Meditation

Meditation has the power to center me pretty quickly in a short amount of time and can be helpful for when you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the tech data mingling with your own energetic field.

My go-to visualization when I find myself with a 5 minute window to dive inward is this:

Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

Sit somewhere comfortable and quiet and close your eyes. Lengthen through your back, and treat your breath like a massage rolling up and down your spine.

Imagine a cord that goes from the top of your head down out of your base and imagine that cord holding all the information, energy, and data you have stored in your body.

Gently imagine that energy flushing through your system, out through your base, and into the ocean. Now imagine yourself pulling energy from the ocean through the cord at the top of your head. With enough practice you’ll be able to imagine a full continuous circle and visualize old junky energy being flooded out in the process.

Focusing on this energetic recycling with the ocean for 5 minutes can drastically relax you and leave you feeling refreshed and cleansed.

So the next time you find yourself in afternoon rut, do one of these three things and feel yourself slowly come back to life.



M.L. Moody

Writer. Artist. Podcaster. Video Blogger. Entrepreneur. Here to dismantle my own white supremacy. What else is there? www.mlmoody.org