Why I Write

Crusty Cactus
2 min readOct 30, 2019

“Write what should not be forgotten.” — Isabel Allende

All over the world people are constantly writing. Not just authors or journalists, but everybody. We may not realize it, but we are always writing or thinking about what to write to someone. In almost every job, people receive tons of emails a day. We not only have to read them, but we have to think about how to respond, and what to write in order to get our message across. We also are constantly writing texts, which are a little more casual. We could be sending our friend an uplifting encouragement, asking a coworker if they want a Starbucks, or telling someone something that just happened to you.

I write because I want to share my thoughts with others. I want to let people know how I feel and why I am feeling those emotions. If I am sad, I text my friend to comfort me. If I am happy, I want to spread my joy with others. When I have exciting news, I don’t want to have to wait to share it with everyone.

Even though I don’t like to write long essays and reports, that doesn’t mean I don’t like to write at all. I like to write texts to my friends or birthday cards for someone I love. I write to bring people joy and to help people who might be having a rough day. Writing is also important to share information. Imagine having to plan something with a big group without a group email or a group text. You would have to call everyone individually and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Our words are a very powerful thing and they can be used to build people up or tear people down. We should not write to make fun of other people or try to hurt them. Different than our words, our writing will always be there. People can look back at their texts or emails and see all the things you have written to them. You should be very careful with your words in your writing and know that what you say can always affect people.

