Blessed with the best

Marissa Manno
4 min readDec 8, 2016


Fam Thanksgiving

I come from a very loving family. My mother is Puerto Rican and my father is Italian, both from New York. Those are two of the most family-oriented races.

Growing up, and still to this day, my family has always been close. Ever since I can remember, I was always taught that God and your family is always first and everything else will follow.

My family has made me who I am today, and I couldn’t be more proud of the person I am. My mom is such a loving, hardworking, inspiring person. She pushes me daily to be the best I can be. I always hope that when I am older, I am at least half the person she is. She has made me strong, hardworking, determined and a very kind-hearted person. She has also taught me how to forgive.

My mom is the type of person that everyone loves. All of my friends absolutely adore her. From those who know us, my mom and I are known for being basically best friends. Her and I share a mother-daughter bond like no other.

She is my supporter, biggest fan, and shoulder I can lean on. I know she has my back at any given day and time. She is what makes me want to be the best person I can be.

Because of her and what I have learned from watching her, I put others happiness and needs before myself, I am a very strong-willed person, and I always stand up for what I believe is right. She has also given me big shoulders, meaning that it is very hard to bring me down. I am not the kind of person to be walked all over or offended.

The both of my parents have also taught me to never stop chasing your dreams. If you are doubted or if you think you cannot do it, you push yourself even harder. From where I come from, giving up is not an option and will never be an option. My family and I are all extremely prideful with what we do. We do not like to see ourselves fail, yet alone others see us fail. I strive to be the best I can be everyday. I do not want to let my parent’s or any of my family members down.

They both also have a very strong relationship with God. I too, have a strong relationship with God. They have made God a part of my life since I can remember. From going to Church at a young age, to Vacation Bible School camps when I was younger, and from going to a Catholic High School, God has always been a huge part of my life.

Graduation from Bishop Verot

My dad is the Italian. He has taught my brother and I that in the end, family is all you really have. My dad is somebody who has always had my back. His family morals have taught me that no matter what the circumstance is, you always have your family's back.

My dad is more of the sensitive parent. He has taught me loyalty with everything. Whether it be friendships, relationships, or family, I am such a loyal person. My dad’s loyalty is what I look up to most in a man and also one of the qualities that I cherish most.

He has also taught me how to be sensitive with certain things. Because of the both of my parent’s, I have a heart that is bigger than my body. I do not have a mean bone in my body, unless I need to.

Whenever someone hears that I am half Italian and half Puerto Rican, they always say “I wouldn’t want to get into an argument with you, that’s like playing with fire.” That is true but only when someone pushes us.

His protectiveness over his family has made me protective over everyone who I have in my life. I’m protective over all my friends, family, or whoever I am with and care about.

My family only wanting the best for me and pushing me to it has made me push the people around me to be the best they could be. I want to see the people I care about achieve their goals and make something of themselves.

Every single one of my family members has taught me how to be independent. I have always been taught to just do my own thing and never rely on anyone but yourself, and your family of course.

I am forever blessed with such a great family. I hope that when I am older and have my own family, they will value and truly recognize the importance of family just as much as I do.

