Mira Mansour
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

The branches of government

What are the branches of government?

They are The Big people that help us with our problems in the country.

How many branches does the government have? What are they called?

There are three branches in the government. The following are the names of the branches: legislative, executive, judicial.

  1. The Legislative Branch

· What they do: writes laws.

· Composed of: 100 senators (work in the senate), and 435 representatives (work in the House of Representatives).

· Both people are called together the Congress.

The president represents the executive branch

2. The Executive Branch

· What they do: see if they want to approve the law or not.

· Composed of: the president.

· If the president does not like anything that the Congress pass, then the president can refuse to approve it. This refusal is called Veto.

Judges help solve disputes between people

3. The Judicial Branch

· What they do: Explain the constitution to the people and clear up any confusion.

· Composed of: Court system.

· The following are the courts levels from lowest to highest:

1. County Courts.

2. Circuit Courts.

3. District Courts of Appeal.

4. Supreme Court.

· The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States and it has nine justices that are elected by the president.

The following video explains the three branches in a fun way!