How improper OTP implementation could lead to Account Take Over (Part 3)

M Maulana Abdullah
3 min readJun 12, 2023


Another invalid OTP application is established during password reset flow. OTP is involved to the way user to visit the reset password page but rather it can be bypassed easily on system. The most harmful impact of this password reset is the username can be anybody’s registered email. In other words, you may act as other people to reset their credential with your own.


1. Input email which password was forgotten

Forgot password page
Forgot pasword API to send OTP to the email
OTP was sent through email

2. Input the OTP

OTP input page
OTP verification API

3. After OTP is well verified, password reset page will be shown

New password input
Password reset API

It can be seen from password reset API above, there is no input parameter which relates to the identified OTP at step 1 and 2. This can conclude actually step 1 and 2 is not required to perform password changes. You may modify password directly through the API with just any known registered email (yap it maybe other registered email).

Prove the Hypothesa

  1. Let’s create another account which account would be taken over, e.g and alter the credential become ‘newtrialpassword’.
Bingo !!! By not having direct access to inbox, it’s still success to modify the credential

2. Let’s prove new credential really works during login process

Login form using email
Login form for the password
Login is successful
Login API response success for new credential

According to observation, following points at which do not follow the rule of thumb:

  1. OTP is not included in body parameter request during password reset
  2. Email input parameter during password reset is not tied with specified OTP at previous step (this step lead account take over)

Another case would be discussed at another article. Please kindly comment for anything you point out for wrong OTP implementation



M Maulana Abdullah

IT enthusiast. Written articles are much more about API development vulnerabilities. Let business owner to understand the issue is my priority.