Youtube Hashtag Strategy: 6 Tips to consider

Max Phillips
3 min readJul 13, 2022


In the flood of information on all genres, folks from around the globe are creating fantastic content to bring the best solutions to any issue. It can be a video, tweet, insta post, anything. On a YouTube channel, a few things that make your posts discoverable are SEO on YouTube channels, discussion on a hot trending issue, or hashtags.

All these strategies enhance YouTube channel ranking, hence making them discoverable by viewers. As a struggling YouTube content creator, you might want to achieve more views and can’t wait to see your video go viral. If you have tried all strategies except hashtags then, Here’s a suggestion, use hashtags!

Hashtags are the best path to drive someone to your video. Like all other social media platforms, hashtags on a YouTube video are clickable blue words.

There’s a chance that the same hashtag will take a viewer from any other video to your video if you are using the same hashtag. Below are some leading tips to consider that will definitely help you to optimise your youtube channel.

Check out the competitors most popular videos

Whatever your niche, someone has already done it or is still doing it. So, looking at what’s already working for them is a great way to uncover hashtags that work. Instead of paying attention to trending videos in this situation, concentrate on the best-performing videos.

Where to use Hashtag in Youtube Video

Hashtags are used in two places on a youtube video. They are either added to the title of the video or hashtags are used in the description of a video. Most popular youtube channels use these hashtags on both title and description. Both are clickable. You can use many hashtags in descriptions but youtube will only show three hashtags on the top of the title.

It is suggested by the youtube creators team that if you have more than 15 hashtags in a video, both in title and description then youtube will automatically disregard all the hashtags.

Try the recommendation on YouTube

It’s actually a fantastic way to discover trending hashtags and hot topics. And compared to other tactics, it is simpler. You have to enter # in the YouTube search bar. YouTube will recommend well-liked hashtags. Select and utilise those that are pertinent to your videos.

Follow the most popular videos on YouTube

Looking at what’s currently trending is the most common method for discovering hashtags. The majority of the videos on this list might not be as relevant to your channel as you would like, so keep that in mind. We advise viewing popular videos on the subjects you cover and selecting relevant hashtags from them for your own videos. Keep that in mind. We advise viewing popular videos on the subjects you cover and selecting relevant hashtags for your own videos from them.

Single word Hashtags

Concentrate more on single word hashtags. Single word hashtags are used by a large number of people to find the right people and drive more traffic to the YouTube videos. Make use of them to increase your total views.

Utilise YouTube’s hashtag-generating tools

Using straightforward hashtag tools or even YouTube hashtag-generating applications like Aux Mode, you can find hashtags for your videos. Even using common keyword research tools will help you come up with concept ideas.

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Max Phillips

Hi, I am entrepreneur and currently working as blogger and Email & Social Media Marketer at