Marina Mchedlidze
2 min readMar 24, 2023

What does mean personal productivity?

For me, productivity means accomplishing the maximum output with input resources (time, abilities, knowledge and etc.) sustainably, but…

Being exceptionally knowledgeable and successful, having good time management skills, and having a high emotional intelligence are all requirements for productivity. On the other hand, possess the ability to effectively balance conflicting responsibilities and priorities while still finding time for social contacts and recreational activities.

But it’s important to remember that each person has their own unique set of skills and limitations and that maintaining a constant level of output and performance isn’t always healthy or sustainable. It’s acceptable to put getting rest and taking care of yourself first.

Since there are so many various ways to assess productivity and so many people who have accomplished amazing feats in their respective industries, it is challenging to identify only one interpretation of productivity and only one formula for measuring it. So, how do we measure personal productivity?

There is no one approach that is acknowledged worldwide for measuring personal productivity, which makes it a subjective procedure. To measure personal productivity, however, some common methods are as follows:

· Setting defined, quantifiable goals and monitoring your progress towards them is one of the best ways to measure your own productivity. Larger goals may need to be divided into more manageable milestones, and progress may need to be periodically assessed in order to make necessary revisions.

· Monitoring the amount of time spent on various tasks or activities throughout the day is another technique to gauge personal productivity. This can assist in locating places where time is being squandered or chances to boost productivity and concentrate on activities that are of the utmost importance.

· Performance metrics: There may be particular performance metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to quantify productivity, depending on the type of work being done. For instance, a salesperson may measure productivity by the volume of sales made, but a writer might gauge productivity by the words produced each day.

· Feedback and self-evaluation: To assess how productive one is seen to be, it can also be useful to ask for feedback from others, such as bosses, peers, or mentors. Additionally, a useful method for enhancing one’s own productivity over time is to routinely evaluate one’s own strengths, shortcomings, and potential improvement areas.

In the end, the best way to measure an individual’s productivity will depend on them and the nature of their work, and it can entail a mix of many techniques. In order to increase overall productivity and accomplish desired results, it is important to frequently monitor progress, set targets, and make adjustments as necessary.

Marina Mchedlidze

I am a marketer and on the other hand - life coach. Passionate with Personal Development and Personal Branding and obsessed with Online Business .