Accidental recruiting on Medium

How I found our newest engineer on an airplane.

Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2016


I was flying back to NYC from our semiannual tech summit where one of the hot topics was resourcing and, in particular, our need for talented front-end engineers. At the same time, I was wracking my brain on a project, trying to identify all the potential states for one of our Web apps.

I decided to take a break and catch up on some reading when I came across a piece on Medium titled The Nine States of Design. Thoughtful, relevant, and written with a dash of humor—that’s how I’d describe it. Bonus: it helped me think through the aforementioned challenge, and it showed great respect for the user (be still, my beating heart).

When I discovered the author, Vince Speelman, was a front-end engineer with UX chops, my heart beat a little quicker. I did some online stalking—I still marvel at surfing in the clouds—and the results were promising. I shot him an email asking if he was interested in the possibilty of joining TED. He responded a few minutes later, and before my plane touched down at JFK, we’d arranged a phone call.

I didn’t get the sense that Vince posted his piece in order to land a gig, but the quailty of his insights and willingness to share them freely is why I connected with him. Everything fell into place after that initial phone call, and I’m thrilled that Vince will be joining our Tech Team as a front-end engineer in March.


Be generous with your knowledge. Good things can happen. And if you’re hiring, don’t just look for good profiles—look for good thinking.



Michael McWatters
Made by TED

VP, Product Design at Max | HBO Max. Formerly TED. Better after a nap.