Update: 1 week without eating sugar

Miriam Meima
2 min readMay 9, 2018

It’s been 8 days now that I haven’t eaten any processed or artificial sugar (I am still eating fresh fruit) and what a roller coaster it’s been!

Really I do not eat that much sugar on a daily basis (in the grand scheme of things), so it was very surprising that cutting sugar out all together brought on some light headaches. I guess that was a sugar detox of sorts. Over the first 8 days my energy would dip and then peak. I would say that generally the highs were higher and the lows were a little lower than normal. I am VERY curious if that will continue or things will level out. My dream would be that over the next 22 days (I’ve committed to 30 days without sugar) my energy peaks stay high and the lows begin to fade away. Is that too much to ask?

I have definitely had moments where I had a momentary craving for a desert, but those were fleeting. It has been easier than I expected to work around sweets. It is more challenging to find alternatives for sauces that come with prepared meals (when I am eating out). This process is reinforcing the truth that to have control over what I am eating it is necessary to cook at home. I’ve known this for a while yet resisted making a habit out of cooking for myself.

This continues to be an interesting experiment. This coming week my husband and I will be traveling and I wonder if it will be easier or harder (or maybe exactly the same) to stay sugar-free while on a weekend getaway to a beach location. I’ll be sure to keep you posted.



Miriam Meima

I hope to inspire greatness in you by sharing my experiences, ideas and questions. My mind hovers at the intersection of business and psychology. I am a coach.