Published inSJUSDArea4San José Unified — Area 4 Monthly Recap May 2018Summary: In addition to the board meetings, I attended 26 other events and meetings. I discuss the Measure Y ballot measure funding, and an…Jun 4, 2018Jun 4, 2018
Published inSJUSDArea4San José Unified — Area 4 Monthly Recap April 2018Summary: In addition to the board meeting, I attended 16 other events and meetings. I discuss the town hall meeting, and give some details…May 8, 2018May 8, 2018
Published inSJUSDArea4San José Unified — Area 4 Monthly Recap March 2018Summary: In addition to the board meeting, I attended 13 other events and meetings. The details of the meetings are below.Apr 22, 2018Apr 22, 2018