Mmema-Abasi Effiong
2 min readAug 23, 2023


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It’s another UX writing day. Today’s task is another error message copy. In this scenario the user is trying to create an account and encounters an error message while trying to fill in their name .This is a very critical situation that has to be handled with caution so as to not upset or infuriate the user.

Well let’s get on with it!

DAY 12

Scenario: A user is creating an account. When they come to the step where they are asked to enter their name, they get an error message. A fraud detection software thinks their name is fake — but it’s wrong 5% of the time.

Challenge: Write an error message that prompts them to fix the error without shaming them for having a fake-sounding name.

45 characters max


How can one tell a user their name is fake without making them feel infuriated or annoyed, to achieve this copy the user should understand what the challenge is and possible ways to solve the challenge at hand. In this scenario the app could be a business app that does not accept fake names , so it may need means of verification to accept the user’s name and help them continue their process.

Voice & Tone:

  • Specific & Logical
  • Clear & Concise

Final Copy:

“Kindly upload your ID to verify your name. upload”

After much consideration , I decided on the above copy for this challenge , this would help the user know the problem and what next to do giving a suitable solution to the account creation challenge.


This is my second error message for this daily UX writing challenge and its been a great experience so far. well that’s all for day 12 challenge , let me know what you all think in the comment section. Thank you!