JavaScript in 7 days — Day 0

Manish Mittal
Nov 9, 2021


Why JavaScript, Benefits and Road map

GitHub Report

Why JavaScript?

  1. Most popular technology of the last decade.
  2. Easy to Learn.
  3. Highly demanded in the market.
  4. Good Salary.
  5. Freelancing and Part time work opportunities.
  6. Popular library and framework based on JavaScript like ReactJS, Vue.js, Angular.

Steps to Learn JavaScript in Next 7 Days

Day 1: How JavaScript works, Data Types of JavaScript.

Day 2: Inbuilt Methods, utilities of different data types.

Day 3: Loops, conditions.

Day 4: Functions.

Day 5: Asynchronous Coding.

Day 6: API calls.

Day 7: Practical implementation by project creation.

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