MicroService Tools CheckList



Visual Studio Code > Code Editor

Service Communication

Apache Kafka / RabbitMQ > Service communication using messages on topics


Pact > Contract testing between consumer and producer service
with pact broker
Swagger > API documentation and testing
SonarQube > Code and security analysis as per defined rules
XUnit / NUnit > Unit Testing
PostMan > API Testing
API Fortress > API Load testing


Docker > Create Container
Kubernet / AKS > Run / re-run container, auto app scaling, mount storage
CI/CD pipeline > Using azure / aws


Istio > service mesh, manage security, tracing, monitoring, apply policies
Prometheus > Monitoring info using query language
LogStash > check logs, transform log


AWS lambada / azure function app / claudia > ServerLess
Fabric8 > load balancing, port mapping and ip address complexity
Seneca > used with nodejs
Kong / nginx / apigee / apiman > api gateway



Man Mohan Mundhra, Bangalore, India

Role : Architect Exp : 17+ Tech : Dotnet Core, C#, WebApi, Azure, MicroServices, Sql, Mongodb, Docker, K8s, MicroServices, XUnit etc.